How Do You Teach Quantum Computing to High Schoolers?

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5 min readJan 13, 2021
Students during their first week of lab sections at the TCS QxQ class

Today, quantum computing education usually lives in the realm of advanced college courses reserved for STEM majors, almost always assuming some level of quantum intuition and knowledge of advanced mathematics. But it doesn’t have to, according to some teachers, who are teaching an intro-level quantum computing course to high school students.

Back in October of 2020, the IBM Quantum and Qiskit Community team announced it would send 5,000 students (increased to 7,500 students based on demand) to a comprehensive eight-month-long quantum computing course, taught by The Coding School as part of their Qubit by Qubit (QxQ) quantum education initiative. Unlike many previous quantum computing courses, QxQ’s Introduction to Quantum Computing teaches the basics of quantum computing with high schoolers and early undergraduates as the course’s target audience. Many students are even earning academic credit through their school for taking the course. As we kick off the second semester, it’s worth taking a look at some of the lessons learned — and why we would want to teach quantum computing to high schoolers in the first place.

Abe Asfaw, Global Lead, Quantum Education and Open Science at IBM Quantum, sees two key benefits to teaching quantum to high schoolers and even younger students. First, students familiarizing themselves with the counterintuitive underpinnings of quantum physics early means that they won’t struggle as much when faced with a more rigorous quantum course later in their educational career. The second is that it offers an opportunity to empower a diverse selection of students earlier on, hopefully leading to a more diverse cohort of quantum physicists and STEM professionals overall.

‘The opportunity to make a meaningful impact in quantum computing by shaping the future workforce is something that makes me very excited,” said Asfaw. “This is an example of a technology where we have the opportunity to shape what contributions look like, and to get contributions from around the world.”

Sarah Muschinske, a teaching assistant for the QxQ course and PhD student at MIT, agrees. “I think it’s really important to get students exposed to these topics early on so they have context for what is possible with math and physics,” she said.

Olivia Lanes and Pat Gumann giving a tour of an IBM Quantum lab

Traditionally, colleges teach quantum computing only after students have familiarized themselves with quantum mechanics and linear algebra — but that’s a huge barrier to entry, especially when quantum computing only incorporates a subset of concepts from these fields. Lead instructors of the QxQ course, Francisca Vasconcelos and Amir Karamlou, work hard to make the content understandable to students without an advanced STEM background. The first semester focused on the foundations of linear algebra for students with only a background in basic trigonometry and algebra, and there was also a two-week Python crash course for students who didn’t know how to code yet. Both Vasconcelos and Karamlou recognize it’s about striking the right balance of teaching the basics while keeping the material accessible.

“We simplify the math in an effort to convey the elegance of quantum computing while keeping the material accurate and engaging to students from a wide variety of backgrounds,” Karamlou said. “We want the class to pique their interest and teach them the fundamentals so students are eager to continue learning.”

The instructors take the time to teach the mathematical symbols we use to speak the language of quantum computing. However, they try to minimize the complex notation and jargon that might be necessary in a more rigorous setting, but isn’t required for laying down the basics. Students practice what they’ve learned in lecture and lab with a weekly homework assignment to solidify their understanding of the new material.

Vasconcelos and Karamlou also stress the application of the content they’re teaching. For instance, they introduce the idea of quantum states while teaching linear algebra. They also use imagery and creative analogies to make abstract concepts relatable, like comparing linear combinations to fruit salad and having students use vector math to find a convenient way to travel to their favorite ice cream shop.

There are challenges that come with running a 7,500-person virtual quantum computing class — students come from different backgrounds, so some may be struggling while others feel the course is moving too slowly, for example. Teachers work to keep everyone engaged despite these hurdles. Vasconcelos uses memes in her lecture slides wherever she can, while teaching assistant Aziza Almanakly stays late after lab sections to answer student questions about her research as a graduate student in quantum computing at MIT.

Photo from Aziza Almanakly’s lab

The class uses web-based tools such as Zoom polls and a Discord server to encourage students to interact with the material in real time, as well as with one another outside of the virtual classroom. QxQ has prioritized building community among students through events like a Women in Quantum fireside chat.

One high school student said, “this course helped me meet friends, which is not something I expected.”

Special events will continue in the second semester. Already, students started the first week back with a tour of Pat Gumann’s IBM Research lab, seeing real dilution refrigerators and quantum chips.

Finally, it’s important to remember that the expectation shouldn’t be that students will leave the course as full-blown quantum computing whizzes. The key purpose is exposure — to instill more students with the confidence that quantum computing is a field they can pursue, equip them with the key concepts that will allow them to succeed, and lower the barriers to entry.

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