Qiskit Camp 2020 Coming Next March *POSTPONED*

Published in
3 min readDec 6, 2019

UPDATED 3/17/2020:

After consultation and deliberation, the Qiskit Community Team has made the difficult decision to officially postpone Qiskit Camp 2020 to a later date due to rapidly escalating health concerns relating to the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19).

The new dates for Qiskit Camp 2020 will be announced at a later date. All invitations distributed will be re-sent once the new details are confirmed. Please do not plan on traveling to New York or Vermont to attend this event.

For more information check the Qiskit twitter account or email hello@qiskit.camp.

Your favorite flagship event is returning, with an even larger and more diverse community.

Qiskit Camp 2020, the 2nd annual flagship Qiskit Camp event, will take place from March 10th to 13th. This event will start in New York and include a traverse to Vermont.

Like the first flagship event, Qiskit Camp 2020 is an opportunity for the broader Qiskit community of developers, researchers, educators and students to come together with IBM Q quantum computing developers over a 3-day event . In particular, this flagship event will include

  • The latest updates on IBM Q’s quantum computing research
  • A tour of IBM’s Yorktown Heights Laboratory
  • A road trip through scenic New England
  • A 24 hr hackathon in Vermont to develop applications and improvements of Qiskit
  • S’mores!
  • Other favorite winter pastimes
Attendees working at our previous flagship and international 2019 Qiskit camps.

In following the trend of connecting regional quantum computing communities, we’re proud to sponsor the travel of the winners from our 2019 international Qiskit camps, which were based in Europe, Asia and Africa. By bringing together quantum computing researchers, developers and enthusiasts from around the world, the flagship Qiskit camp is sure to be, yet again, a major event for collaboration and fun.

Invitations are based on Qiskit community participation. Strong Qiskit members make contributions through GitHub, develop Qiskit research or creative applications, and help peers in our community slack channel. For new Qiskitters hoping to learn fast and join our community, follow along with our Coding with Qiskit YouTube series or read up on Quantum Computation in our Qiskit Textbook.

To nominate a student, researcher, or developer for Qiskit Camp 2020, contact us at hello@qiskit.camp.

We hope to see in March! Until then, hack on, Qiskitters.




An open source quantum computing framework for writing quantum experiments and applications