[AMA Recap] QLC Chain TestNet Launch to Realize Monetization of Network Bandwidth

Elzaphany Wong
Kepple (previously QLC Chain)
5 min readOct 11, 2018

Thank you to everyone that participated in our AMA with Toya, PR and Marketing Director of QLC, and Gu Yong, the core developer leading the team in developing the public chain.

If you’ve missed the AMA, you can rewatch it below or keep reading the highlights of the AMA below!

Multidimensional Block Lattice TestNet Launch

Toya and Gu Yong introduced the developer team that has worked tirelessly to launch the TestNet Multidimensional Block Lattice structure. There are 10 people in the team located in Wuhan, Hong Kong, Shen Zhen, and Slovenia. The developer team started developing the public chain in the second half in April and completed the verification in end of June. The Wallet and Explorer were completed in July. Internal testing was conducted after the completion of the Wallet and Explorer within the QLC team and QLC holders to experience real-time explorer. The developer team then spent a month improving the user experience using the feedback received during internal testing and today the team is proud to launch the TestNet!

A brief introduction to the key features of QLC Chain. It deploys a Multidimensional Block Lattice structure, a type of DAG structure, and uses virtual machines to manage and support smart contract functionality. QLC Chain utilizes dual consensus: Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS), and Shannon Consensus, which is a novel consensus developed by the QLC Chain team. Through the multidimensional Block Lattice structure and the dual consensus, QLC Chain is able to deliver a high number of transactions per second (TPS), massive scalability and an inherently decentralized environment for NaaS related decentralized applications (dApp). Through the Multidimensional Block Lattice structure and dual consensus, we’re able to solve scalability issues for network services dApps. During internal testing, we achieved peak 3,500 TPS. However, the team is confident that we can double the number to 7,000 TPS by improving some technical aspects.

Learn more about the Multidimensional Block Lattice structure:

Again, we are honored to be an open source project and appreciate the developer community’s contribution in submitting issues to help us improve the development of the public chain. Gu Yong shared that they have published the repository for public chain, web wallet, and web wallet server. The server is used to communicate between the web wallet and QLC nodes.

The source code is available here:

TestNet source code: https://github.com/qlcchain/qlcchain-classic
TestNet web wallet: https://github.com/qlcchain/QLCWallet
TestNet Wallet server: https://github.com/qlcchain/QLCWallet-Server

Also, check out the Multidimensional Block Lattice Wallet and Explorer and share your feedback, questions or suggestions with us on our Reddit.

Q: What were the testing conditions used for the TestNet?

Our TestNet is based on NANO’s block lattice. We created a multidimensional block lattice structure by adding smart contracts. Currently, there are 7 common nodes, 2 voting nodes, 1 POW server and a set of wallet and browser server. We’re currently using AWS and Alibaba Cloud servers and the nodes are deployed using docker.

Q: What were some challenges Gu Yong and the developer team has encountered when developing the public chain?

There were a couple of challenges in developing the public chain. Firstly, finding the balance between TPS and the Multidimensional Block Lattice as well as integrating it with the virtual machine. Secondly, integrating the storage node with Shannon Consensus.

Q: What’s the next stage of development for the public chain?

The developer team will focus on developing QLC Chain using golang as well as developing WSM virtual machine and developing storage and oracle nodes on QLC Chain.

Q: Is the team still on track to launch Mainnet by the end of the year?

The developer team will try their very best to stay on track to launch MainNet at the end of the year. However, it won’t be an easy journey for the team as a lot of effort is needed to deploy functions for the joint venture with Montnets Group.

Q: What are you most excited about on the roadmap?

Gu Yong: Gu Yong shared that he is most excited about the joint venture with Montnets Group. Their business includes 2.1 billion sms annually that means there will be 4 billion blocks generated on our public chain. If we achieve this, QLC Chain will have the most transaction records on a public chain.

Toya: Besides the joint venture with Montnets Group, Toya is most excited about the router that the QLC developers community has developed. She can’t wait to share more information about the routers the community soon. If you’re interested to sell the router in your region, please reach out to the community managers in the Telegram group.

Montnets Group Joint Venture Update

Gu Yong and his developer team are developing the cross-border sms platform simultaneously with the development of the public chain. They’re also building some tailor-made solutions specifically for MontNets Group such as a solution for multi-signatures on a P2P protocol. Currently, the team is finding a solution on how the nodes can communicate with each other on QLC Chain.

Tokenization of QLC Chain

At the moment, there is no update on the tokenization of QLC Chain. The QLC team is doing a lot of research on finding the perfect solution, referencing other project’s tokenization. If you believe that you have a solution, please share it with us on our Reddit.

We appreciate your patience and kind understanding. The QLC team will provide an update with the community on this matter soon.


We received some questions regarding WinQ. As the QLC team have handed the open-sourced dApp to the developer community, Playblockz Collective, we were only able to answer a few questions based on our exchange with the team. There will be a new version of WinQ coming out soon with new updates so stay tuned!

Follow Playblockz Collective on Twitter, Facebook, and Telegram for the latest updates and share any questions there on QLC Reddit for the playblockz team to answer. If you’re curious to hear some of the community’s questions, you can start watching from minute 20:15 to 26:30 in the YouTube Live video. Moreover, WinQ is looking to advocate local community members to help promote WinQ to increase user adoption. If you’re interested or have any ideas on how to promote WinQ in your local market please share on Reddit.

Closing Remarks and the Private Communication Services

Q: How do you feel about the current market conditions and how will it affect QLC Chain?

Similar to the dot-com industry, we are pioneers in the blockchain industry. The QLC team aims to become leaders in the industry and bring more industry partners on board. Despite current market conditions, the team remains optimistic about the progress we’ve made, especially with the routers.

The router will be able to monetize network bandwidth by converting your home broadband to a VPN asset which can be shared onto WinQ and provide a stable VPN connection. Currently, the router has 16 GB of storage, but there’s an option to the expand the storage.

Q: What’s next for the team?

The QLC team will focus on attracting more users such as developer communities to build dApps, end users on WinQ, and partnerships with enterprises. We’re also going to push forward with the community governance program. If you have any proposals you would like the community to vote on, please share it on Reddit.

Read more about the TestNet Multidimensional Block Lattice launch!

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