Become to Top 10 Operator on WinQ and Win QLC!

PlayBlockz Collective
Kepple (previously QLC Chain)
2 min readAug 6, 2018

Hello WinQ Community!

Our community is excited to takeover the development and operation of WinQ VPN.

We wanted to celebrate this milestone by creating a fun competition with WinQ. So this is how it works!

Every week, a pool of QLC will be reserved for the Top 10 VPN operators. Assets will be ranked by the number of successful connections.

For this round there is 2,300 QLC and will start on Monday, August 6th at 1 pm HKT until Monday, 13th at 1 pm HKT.

You can find the asset ranking here:

Reward Guidelines:

1st Prize Winner: Will receive 50% of the prize pool

2nd — 10th Prize Winner: 40% of the prize pool will be divided by the number of successful connections. QLC will be distributed by the number of successful connections.

Special Prize Winner: A lucky winner selected among all operators will receive 10% of the prize pool

  • There will be winners every week! Make sure to be on the Top 10 of the list before the end of the countdown.
  • The winners will receive their QLC from the corresponding MainNet wallet within 48 hours.
  • All prizes will be sponsored by the Playblockz Collective
  • All rights reserved by Playblockz Collective

Feel free to contact us here: Telegram group

Can’t find your MainNet Wallet? Follow the steps below:



PlayBlockz Collective
Kepple (previously QLC Chain)

Developer Community responsible for the development and operation of WinQ