Before Assembly
Hello everyone,
Long time since our last update. Sorry about that, we are working like crazy to be able to ship your Qleek Players in November. Here is a quick update of what we have been up to.
The Joys of Customs
As with any project involving so many actors, we have got our share of unexpected hickups that we’ve fortunately been able to fix. The wooden tiles needed for your Qleeks for example have been held in customs for more than 4 weeks.
Thanks to Johanna and endless hours spent on the phone with both French and American Customs and Border Protection Services, we have been able to get the precious Qleek wooden halves safe and sound to our doors.
Certification takes time
We are also working on certifying your Qleek players. This phase is important as it validates that our hardware is safe to use in your households. It does however take time especially by this period of the year where a lot of companies are certifying their products.
Unexpected Antenna Tuning
We have also encountered a technical issue while testing the latest version of our Qleek computer board. The range of the RFID reader that plays your Qleeks was too short, so Pierre has to spend hours to figure out the problem with the help of Bolt’s electrical engineer.
Fortunately, they managed to find a solution and now the PCB works as a charm.
Waiting for Parts …
Another part of making a product is waiting for parts to come from our different suppliers. The slightest change in any of our orders adds more delays to its shipping.
Fortunately, most parts have arrived. And the remaining ones are either flying or ready to ship to our assembly line here in Boston.
Voila! Here are the latest adventures of the Qleek team. The next update will show you the whole assembly line and the process of how your Qleek packs are made and hand packed by our loving hands :)
We can’t wait.