How to sell music swag to Millennials?

Besides the fact that they like their LPs with ice cream & BBQ

Johanna Hartzheim
2 min readSep 27, 2017


I spent this Saturday with our friends at Paper Garden Records at the Brooklyn Flea Record Fair in the East River State Park selling records, merch and Qleeks. Here’s how to make your swag table shine!

1. Set up a beautiful booth

Like for any event, a sunny afternoon and the sweet smell of 40 food trucks fighting for your appetite won’t hurt. But in order to please a crowd of wanderers, music fans and vinyl aficionados, you’ll need a comfortable spot with shade, some curious objects and your most beautiful LP covers.

“People do judge a record by its cover” says Noisey

2. Diversify your offer

Music fans are not the only ones buying music swag anymore. Your music is a lifestyle and more often than not, ordinary Joe will love your t-shirts, hats and even records. Make sure you also have an item for every budget. From the $3 pin to the $200 signed custom turn table.

3. Play Music at your table

Events with bad music are just like a party with a bad DJ, people will come, eat all your food and leave. Make sure you have a good set or at the very least a non generic Spotify playlist running. It will keep the party going and people will stay longer.

Johanna Hartzheim is a co-founder at Qleek, the connected mixtape that will keep your fans engaged. If you liked this post, subscribe to Qleek’s newsletter to get more content like this.

