Ismail Salhi
Published in
3 min readMay 24, 2016


This is the first post of the Qleek biweekly, a newsletter that curates the best of Music, Design and Art for all Qleek followers. First and foremost, we asked the team to come up with a song, an object and a good read.

Here this week’s pick:

What’s a Qleek?

Qleeks are wooden shortcuts to playlists and shows. They are seamlessly synced with your favorite streaming services. You can play your latest Workout, Beatles or Deep Focus playlists with a simple gesture without even touching your phone or computer.

More at

Qleek has been selected among the 20 of the world’s hottest music startups at Midemlab 2016. Midem is an event that happens every summer in Cannes, where key players in the music industry gather to promote music, sign deals, discover talent and trends that will shape the future of music.

Qleek will be competing in the hardware section of Midemlab among other brilliant startups.

In the jury: Sony Music, Pandora, Kickstarter, Deezer and Tunecore. Needless to say we are really excited to showcase how Qleek can make streaming more human and help Artists, Mixtapers, Podcasters and Record Labels distribute their work in retail and stores.

Come say Hi in Cannes from June 3 to 6 if you are in the Riviera.

Every 2 weeks we’re also going to feature the best looking Qleek from our users. Many users take very good care when uploading their playlists covers.

This week, the award of the best looking cover goes to a user from beautiful Brittany in France. It’s a compilation of french classics that includes Barbara, Fauve and Alain Souchon.

If you happen to be a designer or an artist and want your art to be featured on Qleek’s cover gallery, you can submit you artwork here and get a chance to win a Player.

A Qleek that we have never thought making. A Shazam Qleek, where all the songs you discovered using the app are seamlessly available on Qleek. Genius idea from a Qleeker in Missouri, USA.

You can easily set it up by linking your Spotify account to your Shazam app. And then head to to get it.

Follow us on Twitter | Instagram | Facebook and see you in two weeks!

