7 Things On Sunday — 01

Qlick Nigeria
Published in
2 min readMay 8, 2016

(Un)Interesting Things I Came Across In The Last 7 days

Hello! Welcome to the aptly named weekly (hopefully) list of the most interesting things I find on the internet during the last week. Most of these things will have a lot to do with tech so if that’s not your thing, well! Without much ado, here are the ‘things’ for last week!

  1. Despite my increasingly healthy distrust of people who give TED(x) talks, I found this one by Google’s Chris Urmson pretty interesting. It was on driver-less cars and he & Google are betting that your kids will not need driver’s licences when the time is come. That is particularly comforting given the stress it takes to get one in Nigeria. Here’s the video.
  2. I usually bang my head against a wall every time I read a comment section on the Internet but I definitely recommend Gawker’s comment section, it’s full of banter, wits, sarcasm and people who have too much time on their hands. Here is a prime example.
  3. This one has been on the Internet for a couple of weeks but I watched it this week, it is the latest of John Oliver’s evisceration of Donald Trump. This one tackles Drimpf’s novel idea of erecting a 35, maybe 40, maybe 50 feet-tall wall between the US and Mexico. I expect we will be seeing more videos like this in the coming months now that Drumpf has been *confirmed* as the Republican Party nominee. Watch it here.
  4. Welcome to the Internet where a near fatal car crash has been described as spectacular and impressive. Yep. The crash was so spectacular that it nearly killed five people. Read about it here.
  5. If you are like me and you like colorful pictures and stuff, then you have to see this Matt Crump’s Instagram. I can assure you that it will brighten up your day. PS: I do not recommend yellow/pink pants.
  6. Err, KFC made a nail polish! Specifically a “Chicken-Flavored” nail polish. Now, I don’t know about women and how they choose their nail polishes so I wouldn’t know the appropriate occasion to wear a Chicken-Flavored nail polish but it’d be interesting to find out if it’s indeed “finger lickin’ good!”
  7. On to more serious stuff now! This wonderful article on Differential’s blog gives us 3 reasons not to build that app just yet. This can also be applied to other ideas and as someone who has abandoned (still abandoning) my fair share of ideas after I’ve started working on them, I found the said article illuminating.

Bonus: This rather unfortunate woman lost her husband of 3 decades to technology aka AirBnB and someone imagined Donald Drumpf as a Game Of Thrones character!

That’s it! Peace!

