Priyanka Srivastava
Published in
4 min readFeb 15, 2017


Google Hotel Finder

Google Hotel Ads strengthens the Direct Bookings

Planning vacation can be a bit of pain but Google want to make things easier for users. Google has launched the “hotel finder” concept in 2011 and they continue to update their hotel booking space by adding more option to their hotel offering ads. Later they realized that instead of providing separate “panel/tab” to find hotels it is much convenient to provide list of Hotels to users on their search result itself.

Google Search Works as Hotel Finder ->

As we know Google is considered as world largest search engine and its search engine is used on daily basis to find the hotels/accommodation to spend the vacation. Considering the fact Google is continuously simplifying the booking process so that user do not face any issue in finding their desired hotel and booking room.

Let’s have a look on the “Hotel Booking Process” of Google.

Now, when you search on Google for specific hotel or price or location then google based on their statistics & algorithm provides hotel ads. They let you know the location of hotels on google map for better view.

Once user click on more, google redirected to their google map section and their they show the list of hotels with their prices, locations and some filter sections to make search easier.

Once user click on any hotel then Google display the details of hotels including their images, prices. reviews and google search result for the hotel.

User will have a popup in case they want to view more rooms available in Hotel with their prices.

Once, user click on any room they will be redirected to website to book room. In this way user can easily book hotel room just by Google search result. This make users to book rooms directly from Google Interface.

How it help small or medium scale hotels? ->

If we recall the booking scenario before “Hotel Finder”, then it will tend us to list our hotel on a world class OTA so that google can crawl our hotel also. But, with the help of Google hotel finder and its commission based concept the industry has completely changed.

Now, if a hotel has its own website and he has not listed hotel on any OTA then also with the help of Google Commission/partnership program they can showcase their hotel on google ad section, so that user can get their hotel listing on search.

Why this is better because the small hotels do not have to compete with the large OTAs on Cost Per Click (CPC) and commission has to be paid for the actual reservation only.

Shift of “Book On Google” from Mobile to Desktop ->

Previously, the Direct booking via Google was available only on Mobile but later it sifted to desktops/laptops as well. This was done to expand the hotel business and reach out more customers. It is beneficial to Hoteliers who have their own website as they can list as many amenities as per their requirement and can have full control on their customer details.
Customer relationship is very important in hotel industry and the hotels listed on OTAs do not get the details. Despite of this, on owning their own website is more beneficial and with the help of Google Direct Booking concept hoteliers can have more bookings.

Conclusion ->

Ultimately, Google is playing a very important and vital role in Hotel Booking so do you have a system which can compete in this market?
You need a system which has both on-desk & online booking functionality, best in online distribution etc. Have a look on a very innovative software which has all the qualities and technologies which can survive in this competent world and provide you a very elegant and attractive looking Hotel Booking Website.
The software is named as Qloapps and is completely an open source software. You can grab Qlo without paying a single cent.

Hope blog is helpful to you. Will appreciate any comment.

