Don’t Worry Our Jobs Are Safe From AI

Mustafa Tariq
QMIND Technology Review
3 min readDec 13, 2022
Image taken from

If you’ve spent any time online over the past week or so, you’ve likely run into ChatGPT, if you haven’t check it out here: To flex how good it is as a chatbot this entire section will be generated by a singular prompt.

ChatGPT is a large language model developed by OpenAI that has been trained to generate human-like text. Like other language models, ChatGPT can generate text based on a given prompt, but it has been specifically designed to be used in a conversational setting. This means that it can respond to questions and comments in a way that is natural and intuitive for humans.

Many people have expressed concern that the development of large language models like ChatGPT could lead to the loss of jobs for humans. After all, if a machine can generate human-like text, why would we need humans to do the same task?

However, it is important to remember that ChatGPT and other language models are not designed to replace humans, but rather to augment and assist them. While ChatGPT may be able to generate human-like text, it lacks the creativity and context that is inherent in human language.

In fact, the development of large language models like ChatGPT presents an opportunity for humans to focus on the tasks that require their unique skills and abilities. For example, a writer could use ChatGPT to generate initial drafts of their articles, freeing them up to focus on the editing and polishing of the final product.

In addition, the use of large language models like ChatGPT could actually lead to the creation of new jobs in fields such as language model training and evaluation. As these models continue to improve and become more widespread, there will be a need for experts to help fine-tune and optimize their performance.

Overall, while the development of large language models like ChatGPT may lead to some changes in the way that certain tasks are performed, it is unlikely to result in the wholesale loss of jobs for humans. Instead, these models will provide new opportunities for humans to use their unique abilities and skills in ways that were previously impossible.

Alright, back to human mode. The fact that the model generated all the text above simply by me writing “write a blog about ChatGPT” is breathtaking.

While it may be tempting to panic at the thought of advancements in AI, it’s important to remember that these developments are simply a new tool at our disposal. In the future, AI is not likely to completely replace us, but rather will enhance our productivity and capabilities.

For the sake of an example let’s look at artists. One way that artists can use AI art generators to create more work is by using the generated images as a starting point for their own art. An artist could use an AI art generator to create a series of initial sketches or designs, and then use those as a basis for more complex and detailed artworks. This could allow the artist to quickly generate a large number of ideas and concepts, which they can then refine and develop further.

Another way that artists can use AI art generators is by incorporating the generated images into their own art. For example, an artist could use an AI art generator to create a background or landscape for a painting, and then use traditional techniques to add figures or other elements to the scene. This could allow the artist to quickly and easily create complex and detailed compositions, without having to spend a lot of time on the individual elements.

To leave you with one last statement. Instead of asking what we can do with a highly skilled programmer, artist, or writer, we should be asking what we can accomplish with the help of 100 “stupid” AI assistants. This shift in perspective can help us to see the potential benefits of AI and how it can augment our own abilities.

