Microsoft AI & Windows 11 — The Next Best Thing?

Rodrigo Del Aguila
QMIND Technology Review
5 min readJun 12, 2023

Everything you need to know about Microsoft’s AI-based products being integrated into Windows 11.


Analyzing the Hype

AI is the defining technology of our time and developers are at the forefront of this transformation. With the right tools we can empower developers and our shared customers to shape the future and leave their mark on the world.
- Panos Panay, Chief Product Owner, Windows & Devices @ Microsoft

Microsoft has been pushing the boundaries of large-scale AI applications with their recent announcements on integrating several exciting products into the Windows 11 operating system. This is not only a game-changer for developers but for anyone using Windows 11 seeking to become more productive in their workspace.

Obviously, Windows 11 is nothing new — it released in October of 2021 and has been slowly gaining market share ever since. Reports from January 2023 state that around 18% of global Windows machines are operating on Windows 11, compared to a small 10% back at the end of Q2 in 2022. At this almost-linear growth rate, Windows 11 will be the prominent OS for Windows users sometime in 2027.

However, it is almost certain that with Microsoft’s rollout of never-seen-before AI products, the steepness of the Windows 11 market share line will only increase. Keep reading to learn more about the products themselves.

Windows Copilot

Perhaps the most popular addition to Windows 11, Microsoft has announced Windows Copilot, a coding assistant developed in collaboration with GitHub. While Github Copilot has previously been released, it was designed as an integration with code editors and IDEs — built to provide code suggestions and assist developers within their coding environments.

In comparison, Windows Copilot is magnitudes of scale more impactful. Watch Microsoft’s video below to see just how powerful this tool is:

To expand and outline some features that were not touched upon in the video, Windows Copilot provides…

  1. Intelligent Code Suggestions: Uses machine learning algorithms to analyze code patterns and provide contextually relevant code suggestions as you type. It learns from your coding style and project-specific patterns to offer personalized recommendations.
  2. Natural Language Interface: One can interact with Windows Copilot using natural language queries. Instead of typing code snippets, you can describe the functionality you want, and Copilot will generate code that matches your intent.
  3. Code Autocompletion: Copilot offers intelligent code autocompletion, where it predicts and suggests the next line or block of code based on the context and what you’ve already written. It saves time by reducing the need to write repetitive or boilerplate code manually.
  4. Language Support: Windows Copilot supports multiple programming languages, including popular ones like Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, C#, C++, and more. It understands the syntax and conventions of these languages to provide accurate code suggestions.
  5. Error Handling: Copilot can assist in error handling by providing suggestions for fixing common coding mistakes. It helps identify potential issues in your code and suggests appropriate solutions, improving code quality and reducing debugging time.
  6. Collaboration and Pair Programming: Copilot can assist in collaborative coding sessions and pair programming. It can understand the context of the ongoing discussion and generate relevant code snippets to facilitate the coding process.
  7. Learning and Improvement: As more developers use Copilot, the system continuously learns from their coding patterns and feedback. This collective learning helps improve the accuracy and relevance of the code suggestions over time.
  8. Integration with IDEs: Windows Copilot integrates with popular IDEs like Visual Studio Code, enabling a seamless coding experience. It provides real-time suggestions and code completion directly within the IDE.

Windows Dev Home

Calling developers of all skill and experience levels! Microsoft Dev Home is something to keep an eye out for. As a comprehensive platform designed to provide users with the tools, resources, and support they need to create innovative products, it will help to shorten the gap between an idea on paper and product deployment.

  1. Developer Tools: A comprehensive set of developer tools and resources, including the latest version of Visual Studio, which enables you to build and debug applications for Windows.
  2. Windows SDK: Windows Dev Home includes the Windows Software Development Kit (SDK), which provides libraries, headers, tools, and documentation for building Windows applications. The SDK allows you to access various Windows features and APIs.
  3. App Deployment and Testing: Easily deploy your applications to local or remote devices for testing and debugging. It provides tools like the Windows App Certification Kit to ensure your apps meet the necessary quality and performance standards.
  4. Developer Community and Support: Windows Dev Home connects you with a vibrant developer community where you can find forums, blogs, and resources to seek help, share knowledge, and collaborate with other developers. Microsoft also provides official support channels to assist you with any development-related issues.
  5. Insider Program Access: Users have the opportunity to join the Windows Insider Program. This program grants early access to Windows features, builds, and updates, allowing you to test your applications against upcoming changes and provide feedback.
  6. Cloud Integration: Windows Dev Home provides integration with Microsoft Azure, the cloud computing platform. This enables you to leverage cloud services, storage, and analytics to enhance your applications and take advantage of scalable and secure infrastructure.

The Next Generation of Developers

There are endless use cases for Windows’ new AI-powered tools that are especially beneficial to developers. Since an OS-wide product integration has never been seen before, there are no quantitative measures on the efficiency and increase in productivity that the above features provide.

However, this just means we will have to wait and see how developers harness the potential of these AI-powered tools. With features like intelligent code completion, automated bug detection, and enhanced data analysis, the next generation of developers will have unprecedented opportunities to streamline their workflow, create more robust applications, and unlock new possibilities in software development.

As developers adapt to this evolving landscape, we can anticipate a surge in innovation, efficiency, and collaboration, leading to groundbreaking advancements that will shape the future of technology. The true impact of Microsoft’s AI-powered tools on the developer community is yet to be fully realized, but the early signs indicate a promising and transformative era for the company and the software development community as a whole.

Quick Links/Resources

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This article was written for QMIND — Canada’s largest undergraduate community for leaders in the AI space.

