Selecting the ideal CRM for non-profit organizations

Shehan Malik
Published in
3 min readMar 29, 2021

“Qodeify CRM” was introduced to the market with the intention of serving many industries. It is not a secret that your non-profit organization could benefit a lot from a CRM, and we are going to discuss about what to consider when selecting one for your organization here.

Donors are among the most important aspects of a non-profit organization. When your organization grows in size and when more and more donors join hands with you to contribute, you might find it difficult to manage the relationships with all of them.

This is when a CRM could be your saving grace as it would make the communication with donors flow smoothly allowing you to maintain a personal touch with them. A CRM is considered to be great when it shows what goals you have achieved and what is yet to be achieved.

Below are some key things you need to consider when choosing a CRM for your non-profit organization.

  • People

This is not only the donors. The CRM should be able to manage all the human resources involved in the process including beneficiaries, volunteers, board members, the staff and etc. A function of a good CRM is determining the overlaps among these groups of people via cross reference. At this point, decide who in the organization are going to use the software.

  • Process

While implementing the right software you should pay attention to several other important factors with respect to its process. The onboarding process, IT resource requirements, the feedback providing facility are few of them.

  • Purpose

Clarify with yourself, what are the expected purpose or the purposes of investing for a CRM software. Is it to manage the donations? Is it to track the performance of your social media campaigns? Or it could be anything else. Identify your expectations prior the investment and take steps to meet them.

Suppose you need features which are not embedded with the software. Hence you might need to integrate them to your CRM. When you are leaving the old CRM behind for a new one, check whether your new provider supports data transferring.

  • Product

Here, product is referred to the CRM and the end-products of what the CRM would offer. Reporting about the crucial activities of the organization, indicators of the key performance are included here.

Can you filter the constituency by demographic? Can your CRM provide the campaign-specific open rate, click through rate and the bounce rates in case you use it to send out the emails. Is your donation tracker capable of identifying and letting you know the busiest times of the week? You should be aware of these things.

So as a non-profit organization, these are the key things you need to be vigilant about when choosing the ideal CRM for you. We as a reputed IT firm, always give the priority to your customized requirements when it comes to the “Qodeify CRM”. Contact us here to know more about the product.

