UX tricks & triggers that draw customers’ attention and build trust

Qoderoom Publications
4 min readJun 21, 2017


Variety of websites and applications available on today’s market makes the competition to stand out from the rest quite challenging. A big piece for reaching success is taken by unique, lucrative for customers UX designs. The same app functionality can be covered in different wrappings. Knowing tricks that can trigger customers’ love for the product can lead to a faster growth.

UX design is not only about color themes and cover pictures, but also about the satisfaction user feels while interacting with a website or an app. A great design unites accessibility and usability, as well as it inspires the desire for a user to come back. It goes far beyond visual aspects; but it also causes unique feelings for a customer to get from the experience of using the product.

How outstanding UX benefits the product

As opposed to waterfall, lean approach allows the release to happen much sooner. MVP might take less than a day to be up and going. Then, it takes the process right to experimentation, learning and improving.

The first impression does matter. Judging by appearance is not only legit when people meet other people, but also when they “meet” new products. It only takes 5 milliseconds to inspire the customer for further interaction. But it doesn’t mean that the first effect is the only thing to worry about while thinking the product through.

Upon seeing awesome visual design there goes evaluation of the usability and functional features. User gets acquainted with an information architecture and a menu structure, searches for particular items and just browses around. If everything seems convenient, the user may turn into loyal customer.

During the first interaction with the website or application interface, many inside factors influence the user’s perception. Among those factors are age, social status, amount of free time, humour type or even mood.

Understanding an approximate portrait of the potential customer helps hit the mark with relevant features that match users’ expectations.

There are already plenty of different applications that solve the same problems, but with the distinguished wrapping a new product can win over the market. Great experience with UX leads to better conversion rates and higher profit as a result.

Tricks & triggers that help UX design persuade without saying it

Even though it’s preferable to have a general idea of potential customers, but there is no need to know all of them in person to create irresistible user experience design. Basic understanding of human psychology can be used to both attract attention and keep it. There are some UX tricks & triggers to influence customers to take some action instead of abandoning the page.


It is a way in which certain pieces of information are connected so that they form a specific meaning. A term introduced by George A. Miller in 1956. In both web and mobile versions chunking information makes it way easier for understanding and memorizing. That is why chunking is a powerful tool in design. It creates better structure that leads to better perception of information. It is a trigger that helps customers save time and find essentials on the page.

Split the information up and do not overload the page.


It is all about letting customers choose while guiding them to make a right decision. As the Goldilocks principle suggests, “just the right amount” leads to a preferable choice. In UX design it can be applied through elaborate framing of particular pieces of information on the screen.

Simplify the choosing process by arranging your offers in the right order.


It is typical for people to pursue social connections and associations with familiar patterns. It can be used in design by presenting well-known faces or something that can be recognized instantly by customers. Recognition mechanism makes new information appear like it was just retrieved from memory.

Make it easier to relate to the product through design patterns.


As trivial as it may sound, people enjoy a good laugh and whatever brings that laughter into life. What is important here is to understand there are different humor preferences and try to relate that to customers. That may be a hard line to walk, but making a connection based on having fun is worth the effort.

Don’t overdo it. Being too ironic or offensive won’t do the trick.

Social proof

People are influenced by other people while making decisions. It’s called “the bandwagon effect”. Big fuzz around the product triggers users to support such hype and join the party. “I trust you if they trust you” — the principle that rarely fails. Use it in the design through displaying likes, shares, reviews, number of subscribers and other social media proofs.

The more the merrier.

An outstanding UX design helps company accomplish its vision. Each business has unique purpose that should be highlighted. Tricks & triggers described above can be very helpful when trying to achieve appreciation of your customer. Make the best of it.

Originally published on https://qoderoom.com/blog



Qoderoom Publications

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