Smart Capabilities Update

Kyle White
Published in
2 min readAug 17, 2022

Smart presents four solutions to help scalability and usage.

SmartSwap, SmartBridge, SmartPayment, and SmartExtension

SmartExtension solution by Smart

SmartExtension is a layer on top of wallets which is designed to turn the wallet into an interoperable payment solution while simultaneously showing users the best price across all of DeFi.

SmartPayment solution by Smart

SmartPayment is a layer on top of wallets which is designed to turn the wallet into an interoperable payment solution. So when users engage with dApps on BSC, Ethereum, or other blockchains they can pay with any digital asset they have (whether is crypto, NFT, or digital government money) while the receiver receives the type of currency they need and request. The SmartPayment approach allows users with ETH to deploy ETH to BSC projects and those projects can receive BNB instead of ETH.

SmartBridge solution by Smart

SmartBridge quickly creates a cross-chain bridge token to any EVM blockchain. The SmartBridge option is available to projects and their users.

Now in addition swap provider access, Smart offers free listing capabilities with the SmartBridge. Qonetum finance allows licenses to anyone with their own branding, protecting the technology and the SmartSwap network for $100,000. Projects may apply for grants to cover the $100,000 cost.

SmartSwap utilizes technology that allows cross-chain swaps between two assets without a single point of failure such as single validator risk, wrapping, or side-chain utilization. The cross-chain swap is a true one-click swap between blockchain networks without slippage.



Kyle White

Hands on Angel Investor and Advocate for DLT