Qora News
Qora World
Published in
1 min readAug 4, 2015


CCEDK plans to add new trading pairs for Qora — POLL

According to informations from Slack, Ronny from CCEDK suggests an idea of adding new trading pairs for Qora on CCEDK.com exchange. After Qora’s successful entry on this trusted danish exchange, there is possibility to create another bridges to Qora world. Just let me remind you, that on CCEDK Qora can be traded not only for Bitcoin, but for USD, EUR and CNY as well, making it our first Qora<->fiat gateway. Last days, especially Qora/EUR market seemed to be very promising.

Now Qora has a chance to be traded for other cryptos like Nxt or Litecoin etc. and it depends on us, if we want this to. This is why a new poll has been created here http://qora.co.in/?q=ccedk+trading+pairs&poll. By voting you should express your direct interest in creating such a market, which means that you want to trade on this market in future. After some forethought you can also vote, if you feel, that such a market would help Qora a lot, but you are not directly interested in trading it.

So this poll is about showing our interest weighted in our coins. After enough time, CCEDK will sum up the results and act accordingly. Wish you a good choice, Qora people!

