How Technology Is Changing Human Resource Management

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5 min readMay 17, 2020
hrm technology

Modern technology has introduced groundbreaking shifts and innovations to HR solution finding, and, as fresh approaches surge to the surface, our own way of working and handling “Human Resource Management” issues witnesses a fundamental reshaping unlike anything before.

These technologies change the way Human Resource contacts or finds employees, evaluates them, acquires and store files, and puts the candidates under the scope for assessment. If used properly, the new HR technology can change the face of “Human Resource Management” in the right way and excel in its practices. On the contrary, if misused, it can turn into a disaster and severely damage the management methods and put barriers in the way of Human Resource.

According to the 2019 HCM Trends report, a sizeable HR technology venture capital was dedicated to the Human Resource sector. Topping $3.1 billion, more than the triple of the amount invested in the year 2017, shows promising growth in this field. With all the cash flow souring down to the ATS and HRM technologies, let’s look at the positive outcomes it would have in the ways everyone percept HR.

Recruitment Is Getting Smarter

CareerBuilder CEO, Irina Novoselsky has pointed out that thanks to the AI technology in the recruitment field, they can build a job description or resume in less than a minute.

This is an enormous upside to recruitment methods. Recently, hiring new staff posed a heavy toll on the company’s time and budget, even being called one of the costliest processes a business can go through.

Well, today, and thanks to the new emerging artificial systems and automation, locating skilled and talented candidates who fit perfectly in a company has become fast and easy. A considerable part of the excessively time-consuming recruitment process, such as resume screening and automated interviews, can be dumped on the machine-based systems to free up space, resources, and time for the human force to focus on more concerning matters.

Internet Has Played A Huge Role in Recruitment Processes

internet in human resource management

Before the internet rolled in and made finding the best candidates for the company possible by a touch of the finger, trailing after the right applicants meant phoning a bunch of hiring offices, spending some face-time with them, or at least, investing in writing the office or the applicants a letter.

After the globalization of the internet, saving up on time wasn’t considered as the only benefit of moving into a new modern way of tracking candidates. Thanks to the fast-paced, ever-evolving nature of the digital world, employees can keep notes on their favorite candidates and find out about their professional traits. They not only save a lot of precious time for themselves and the HR department, but they gather valuable and formerly less-attainable information on the applications.

On the downside, the internet and HR systems might not always be up with the candidates’ expectations and demands. Times and times, online applicants have complained about the inconsistency in the online HR solutions, the confusing instructions, and slow response times, which throws them off. Overall, with newer less-buggy and lightning-speed technologies being introduced to the market every new year, it’s predicted that a majority of candidates and talents would move to the online systems.

Compliance Is More Efficient and Sophisticated

Staying compliant has often been disregarded as challenging and troublesome for “Human Resource Management”. Ever-changing laws and regulations put the HR teams back against the wall while their hands are filled with immense paperwork and vast stacks of information to go over.

Compliance once required organization and dedicated IT storage capacity, but cloud-based solutions have streamlined the process.

According to TalentCulture and “Derek Jones”, vice president of enterprise solutions at employee scheduling firm Deputy, “as technologies continue to improve and labor laws evolve, companies will increasingly turn to technology to navigate complex and sometimes politically charged compliance issues.”

For example, he says, the Fair Workweek movement has emerged as a significant working-class issue, with cities like New York and San Francisco passing laws that limit unpredictable work hours that can demoralize workers and make it hard for businesses to keep talent. He says companies that have used tech solutions for this issue have been able to more navigate these changing rules.

“Businesses that embrace technology for compliance will come out on top, with more attractive recruiting and retention efforts, as well as better working conditions that improve employee engagement and increase sales,” he says.

Ease of Communication

Thanks to next-level emailing and messaging apps, the HR teams have an easier time staying connected to the rest of the company and building the bridges with new employees. Today, if any new projects or modifications come up, the manager can simply send out an email informing the HR group of the situation or pick up a conversation on Slack to share the topic with dozens of people or even begin a brainstorming session.

Meanwhile, relying too much on the digital means of information distribution, AKA putting all the eggs in one basket, can come back and hurt the company. Some employees find it extremely difficult to go through two pages of emails for a bit of information, which can be summarized in a face-to-face conference in the total time of a few minutes. Also, this way, people can ask questions and hear answers on the spot.

Streamlined Performance Management

Conducting powerful performance management has always been in the center of the attention of “Human Resource Management”. HR pros have their hands full with monitoring performance, supervising feedback and facilitating regular employee reviews, and collecting information on these subjects. In the new era, and as another benefit of setting up modern HR technologies, these processes have been streamlined. Also, a lot of unnecessary work has been removed from the shoulders of the HR reps.

With that being said, the next stage of Human Resource evolution is already upon us. Although incorporating these technologies exhibited great promises in the year 2019, the widespread and total adoption of the AI-driven performance management has a far road ahead to reach completion.



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