How to create QR codes for the App Store

QR Code Generator
QR TIGER QR Code Generator
5 min readMar 5, 2020

QR codes are great for promotion and customer engagement.

However, the rise of QR codes has paved the way for a productivity boost as well!

QRTiger became product of the week at ProductHunt primarily because QRTiger is dominating in building features for successful and productive marketing/advertising. Products featured by ProductHunt are new innovative tech you should give a try.

QR codes are powerful and at QRTiger, we continue to build features that harness its prowess. App Store QR Codes are one of the many features that we find essential for marketing success.

Related: Ultimate Guide to QR Code Marketing

In this article, we’ll learn more about App Store QR Codes and how you can use it for your business.

What is an App Store QR Code?

App Store QR codes are dynamic QR codes that redirect users to different URLs based on whether the device is running an android OS or Apple’s iOS.

What does this mean?

A mobile phone running an android operating system has an entirely different user interface than an iPhone. This is because an iPhone uses an exclusive operating system created and developed by Apple itself.

App Store QR codes therefore detect a device’s operating system and applies different logic for each.

Related: Converting a URL to QR Code

Installing Apps in an iOS vs. Android Device

One of the main differences between the two devices is the means for installing an application. In an Android device, you’ll need to open Google Play Store while in the iPhone or other iOS devices such as an iPad, you’ll need to open the App Store.

You may not know this but this is a headache for the app’s developer, too. Why? Because they’ll need to submit two different versions of the same application, e.g. Todoist/Facebook/Twitter/Instagram in TWO different App Stores! If they want to support more operating systems like Blackberry’s or Nokia’s OS then the app developer will need to submit to more app stores.

This is why in many promotional landing pages, you can get the app by clicking on either of the buttons here depending on what type of mobile device you use:

App Store QR Code Benefits

With an App Store QR Code made on QRTiger, you won’t need to worry about marketing two different links for two different operating systems (android vs ios).

When a user scans an App Store QR Code, QRTiger’s powerful engine will be able to detect what operating system the user is using to scan the code. In less than a fraction of a second, the scanner is redirected to a URL based on his device’s operating system.

This type of QR code is easy to create but the benefits are countless!

How will App Store QR Codes make a Difference in Your Marketing

Sure enough it’s easy to link to two different URLs. But imagine your links printed on a thousand marketing flyers, business cards, packaging, or posters only to find out your designer used the wrong URL! Not only does this mistake cost you money, but also thousands of potential sales and recurring revenue. Not using an App Store QR Code is therefore a big loss of opportunity for your business!

Redirect to different App stores

The most obvious use case would be to redirect your users to different app stores. If you have a different set of apps for an iphone or android device, then you can use QRTiger’s App Store QR code to correctly redirect your users.

Flexible and Adaptable Marketing

Knowledge is power. And data is often the key to knowledge. Therefore, DATA brings great power!

You now know one thing: your scanner’s OS.

How can you use this to your advantage?

You can market differently to an android user versus an iPhone user.

How to create an App Store QR Code

Creating an App Store QR Code with QRTiger is easy.

  1. First just go to and click on App Stores
  2. Input the URL for iPhone and the URL for android
  3. Click on Generate QR code. This feature only works for users with a paid account so make sure you’re logged in with your account.
  4. Customize your QR code and then click on the green download button.
  5. Your QR code is downloaded to your computer and you are now redirected to the Track Data page. In the Track Data page, you can edit the URLs you’ve entered in step 2. You can also check the Data of all your URLs. You’ll be able to track the time, exact device and location of your scanners.

Related: How to create a QR code and get the most out of it!

What Powers App Store QR Codes?

App Store QR codes are dynamic QR codes.

With Dynamic QR codes, everything is possible!

A dynamic QR code contains a short URL e.g. Once you open this URL on your device, the logic behind the short URL is applied.

Dynamic QR codes are very powerful! You can change the URL behind your QR code at any time; this will help you save money and time on printing. Many brands already use dynamic QR codes for A/B testing in order to update their marketing campaigns whenever they need.

Related Tech: Multi-URL QR Codes

A similar feature available in QRTiger is Multi-URL QR Code. In a Multi-URL QR Code, your scanners are redirected based on different conditions. Unlike App Store QR Code where you can create QR codes that redirect based on the device’s OS, Multi-URL QR Codes redirect based on time, amount of scans or location.

Location-based — the QR codes redirect on the basis of location and geographical position

Time-based — the QR codes redirect on the basis of time and timezone of the scanner.

Amount of scans — the QR codes redirect on the basis of how many times the user has already scanned the QR code.

The bottom line here is that you won’t need multiple QR codes for various reasons. One is enough to do everything!



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QR TIGER QR Code Generator

🥇 Selected as the best QR Code generator to track data of 2019 🤝 Trusted by brands in 121 countries 💻 The next generation of QR