QR code analytics: How to track the statistics of your QR code campaigns

Lily Page
QR TIGER QR Code Generator
8 min readJul 2, 2021
QR code analytics

QR code analytics is an integral part in any business and marketing decisions as it formed part in developing strategies and in maximizing profit margins. It is a crucial element that you shouldn’t miss when executing QR code campaigns!

QR code analytics can show you what kind of QR code campaigns have been successful and why, how such campaign is perceived by consumers and why it is sometimes ineffective.

With the QR code tracking system in place, you will have a powerhouse of data for better marketing strategies and more informed business decisions.

But first, what is QR code analytics and how does it work? Let’s find out in this article!

What is QR code analytics and how does it work?

QR code analytics allows you to track the statistics of your QR codes. You can also monitor real-time the QR code scans while at the same time optimize your marketing campaign based on the statistics.

When you generate a dynamic QR code, you will be able to track your QR code. The vital statistical data of your scanners that you will get includes their location, the time they scanned, the device they used.

Hence, the QR code analytics and its reporting system visualize the data you collected using QR code.

You can access all the pertinent data in the QR code generator dashboard using a dynamic QR code. For your reports, you can download the CSV data. Then, you can draw insights out from it to improve your marketing performance and strategies.

Introducing the basics of QR code analytics: Static and Dynamic QR code

To help you better understand the concept of QR code analytics, let’s discuss first the two types of QR code you can generate in a QR code generator online.

Static QR code (not trackable)

The first type is the static QR code, which is free to create but not editable and trackable.

It means that if you chose to create a static QR code, you cannot alter the content you embed in the QR code after generating it.

Moreover, it does not provide data like the number of scans made by your customers and their location. If you’re a marketing professional or a business owner who wanted to track QR code usage and scans, static QR code is not the ideal choice.

On one hand, static QR codes are for one-time use only. As mentioned, it is free to generate and has unlimited scans. It also does not expire and you can use it for a lifetime.

Dynamic QR code (trackable)

For a more informed business decision and better marketing strategy, Dynamic QR code is the best choice.

As a marketing professional or businessman, doing the math and making decisions out from it is crucial for business stability. Then, you can rely on Dynamic QR codes!

Dynamic QR codes provide you two important things. Firstly, you can edit the information you embed in your QR code anytime you want even after printing it. Second, it allows you to track your QR code scans.

Thus, you can retarget your QR code marketing campaign and monitor real-time the QR code scans and modify the data behind it without creating a new one.

Since the Dynamic QR code offers advanced and flexible uses, it is usually paid. But you can generate a free dynamic QR code when you avail QRTiger’s free trial version and evaluate its potential for your business uses.

Related: What is a Dynamic QR code: Definition, Video, Use-Cases

What are the QR code analytics metrics?

Of course, as every marketer or businessman should know, metrics help you take action, understand what is going on, or help you improve results. Without further ado, here are the QR code analytics metrics.

Total scans

This refers to the total number of scans including the unique scans as well as the multiple scans made of a person or device

Unique scans

Unique scans mean the number of individual users who scanned your QR code. To illustrate, if one person scans your QR code once and the other person scans your QR code 15 times, it would be two unique scans.

This is a good metric in measuring your overall visibility and penetration of your QR code.

Device used to scan by your scanners

Another important data you can track in your QR code is the device used to scan by your scanners. You will have an idea if your customers are Android or iPhone users. If you know what device your customers are using, you can improve your content delivery for them.

Location (city & country)

When you track your QR code, you will also know the location of your customers who scan it. You can compile your customers’ geographical location based on city or country.

Time of scan

Lastly, your QR code tracking system also provides data based on the scanner’s time of scan. Meaning, you will know what time your customers are scanning your QR code and you’ll be able to come up a frequency analysis out from it.

How to set-up your QR code analytics?

  1. Go to www.qrcode-tiger.com and create your Dynamic QR code
  2. Click from the menu what type of QR code solution do you need for your marketing and business.
  3. Enter the corresponding data of your chosen QR code solution
  4. Choose the dynamic QR code.
  5. Click the “generate QR code” button.
  6. Make your QR code visually-appealing
  7. Test your Dynamic QR code before downloading and printing it
  8. Distribute your QR code in your marketing materials
  9. Start to track your QR code

How to set-up your dynamic QR code with analytics? A step-by-step guide

Step 1. Go to www.qrcode-tiger.com and create your dynamic QR code

First, you need to have reliable QR code generator software where you can create your dynamic QR code.

With lots of QR code generators you can find online, choosing the best and credible QR code creator is vital for your marketing and business.

Being recognized as one of the best QR code generators online; QRTiger helps you create customized QR codes with its user-friendly interface and various QR code solutions.

After choosing a QR code generator, you can now proceed creating your dynamic QR code.

Step 2. Choose and click from the menu what type of QR code solutions you need for your marketing and business

There are various QR code solutions that QRTiger offers, and each has its specific use and function for your market

Step 3. Enter the corresponding data of your chosen QR code solution

After choosing the QR code solution you need, proceed entering the corresponding data.

Step 4. Choose the dynamic QR code

As discussed, dynamic QR code is a trackable type of QR code so always use this for you to track your QR code scans.

Step 5. Click the ‘generate QR code’ button

To create your QR code, hit or click the ‘generate QR code’ button.

Step 6. Customize your QR code

Make your QR code stand out! Design it by adding colors, unique patterns, and frames. People will scan your QR code if it is visually appealing to them.

Step 7. Test your dynamic QR code before downloading it

To avoid frustrations from your customers, make sure to test it before you print or distribute your QR code. Does it redirect to the correct website or information?

However, if you encoded wrong information, perhaps a wrong URL you can still edit it even if you’ve already printed your QR code. This is one of the key features of dynamic QR code.

Just go to your QR code generator dashboard and apply the necessary changes.

Step 8. Distribute QR code in your marketing materials

After testing your QR code, start printing it on your marketing collaterals or distribute it on your preferred channels.

Make sure to concise yet catchy call-to-action (CTA) to ensure that people will scan your QR code. They’ll have an idea what the QR code is all about and what they will get if they scan it.

For instance, if your QR code leads to an e-commerce site, put a call to action that says “Scan to access online store”. If your other QR code leads to your app store, include a short CTA “Scan to download app”.

Related: 12 call to action examples that highly converts

Step 9. Track your QR code data

After deploying your QR code, start tracking it. Click the ‘track data’ button to know more about the number of QR code scans and other important data.

Why QR code analytics is important: Four benefits you can derive from QR code tracking

Planning future QR code campaigns becomes easier

QR code analytics used to make informed decisions about how to best sell or promote any product/services.

QR code analytics make the difference between a wildly successful QR code campaign and one that alienates potential customers or has no noticeable effect.

Using the data, you will gain valuable feedback in terms of what works and what does not work. From here on, you will know what call to action should you use, what QR code colour drives more scans, where to place your QR code, etc.

More data-driven business strategy

Businesses and organizations can then take this QR code analytics data and make sound, wise and concrete decisions about what QR code campaign should be used in promoting a certain product.

Related: 40 Best Growth Hacking Tools for your Business

Customer profiling

From these statistical data of your QR code, it will help you to identify the audience that you will be speaking to through your marketing.

Getting to know your target market through QR code analytics allows you to speak to them in a relatable and understandable way.

Increased profit margin

The entire sound business decision — based on QR code analytics data –boil down to increased market share and profit margin. Aside from cutting costs in your marketing efforts with the use of dynamic QR codes, you are also offering a new digital experience to your customers.

QR code analytics combine all of your important information in one place, which saves you time and money. These all translates to increased sales!

QR code analytics with the integration of Google Analytics: Track QR code with Google Analytics

For a more in-depth information about your website’s visitors, you can integrate Google Analytics to QRTiger code generator . The following are the details you can get but are not limited to:

  • The device that they use to access your site
  • The browser being used by your visitors
  • The demographics of your visitors
  • If users leave their contact information

These details help you better understand the behavior of your visitors to deliver better results in your website ranking, optimization, and marketing strategy.

With all these analytics report you can get with QRTiger, you’ll have visual representation of your data, giving you a quick and easy way to view your marketing performance in real-time.

Related: How to track QR code with Google Analytics

QR code analytics: Powerful impact to your company’s overall success

In this competitive market, you have to be involved in every buyer’s journey through effective marketing strategy. As what seasoned marketers say, data-driven marketing approach with the help of QR code analytics is the answer to driving revenue growth.

Successful marketers and businessman need to ultimately drive revenue, which is why it’s so important for you to understand QR code analytics data that matter, track, analyze, and report on them.

Create your dynamic QR codes now and track consumer data with QRTiger! To help you start a more data-driven business, contact us here.



Lily Page
QR TIGER QR Code Generator

Hi there! I’m Lily, an avid reader of books and and a foodie. I love to write tech-related stories and essays about happiness and passion.