WeChat QR code and QR code generator: A quick guide

Pepper Jones
QR TIGER QR Code Generator
9 min readMar 17, 2022

Tencent Holdings Ltd. even joined the technological fad when it introduced QR codes to all WeChat users. And now, everyone is looking for the best WeChat QR code generator.

Many industries are continuously looking for ways to incorporate QR codes in their works because of the convenience and practicality it offers.

Various social media platforms are also delving into using and generating QR codes particular for social media usage.

That’s why it’s no longer surprising to know that one of the leading social networking applications worldwide is using QR codes to offer a better service.

Serving over 1.2 billion users, WeChat found a way to enlighten its users about the WeChat QR code and WeChat QR code generator.

Now, using the app has become more convenient and user-friendly! Transactions and socialization are even better with this new addition to their service.

What is WeChat?

Developed by the Chinese company Tencent Holdings Ltd. in 2011, WeChat continues to connect and serve its users. This instant messaging social networking application is well-enjoyed by 1.26 billion recorded monthly users from its home market and the world.

It’s been branded as the “application for everything” because of the services and functions it can provide to its users.

From sending text messages, voicemails, photos, and videos to holding a video conference, playing video games, and even sharing your location — WeChat has them all prepared for you.

In addition to this, the social networking site also added another solution launched in August 2013, the WeChat Pay. This allows users to pay and even store their money digitally with their mobile payment system and wallet service.

And as if the platform hasn’t got enough to offer, it included QR codes in all of its social networking solutions. Now, WeChat has vast selections presented to prove that it is indeed competitive when it comes to user-friendly software.

With the help of the best WeChat QR code generator, all these will be bestowed to any WeChat users for a better user experience.

Benefits of WeChat QR codes

So, you now know that WeChat provides numerous functions. And you’re also well aware of QR codes: the two-dimensional barcode of today that is scannable by a smartphone device. With these two combined, any user is assured of a hassle-free and quick operation.

By using a WeChat QR code generator to create your QR code, you will be introduced to a whole lot of customer experience.

Easily add contacts using WeChat QR Contacts

Omit the laborious way of adding friends on WeChat by using their QR Contact feature. Simply scan your friend’s QR code directly from his phone or through an image to add him to your contacts list. And just like that, you can now chat with your friend any time you want.

Seamlessly join chat groups through WeChat Group QR codes

With WeChat Group QR codes, you can directly add a friend to a group chat or invite someone to join. Allowing only a maximum of 500 group members, WeChat’s group chat has become simpler by integrating QR codes.

This handy feature is beneficial when you’re creating a WeChat group chat and when you want to gain more followers.

Promotes businesses with WeChat QR Marketing

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WeChat is not only a messaging application, but most importantly, it’s also a social media application. Its marketing feature allows all official account owners to promote their brands to other users.

It works like how most social media platforms work: users can link their shop’s official website; people can follow their accounts and get notified as well. After every interaction, it basically engages potential customers and then turns them into patrons.

Quick mode of payment with WeChat Pay

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China branded WeChat as an all-around application. This is due to the fact that the platform can perform almost everything. And one of its functions is the electronic payment feature.

This benefit is so popular to the apps’ users because it offers a quick payment method. With the WeChat Pay QR code, users are now enjoying a more straightforward mode of payment. This also secures a fresh and innovative user experience.

Guarantees an interactive and engaging experience with WeChat Mini Programs

WeChat certifies that its users have the best experience while using the app. The platform employs various mini-programs designed to entertain the users with that goal in mind. These WeChat Mini Programs include minigames, lifestyle apps, e-commerce apps, etc.

These mini-programs are very accessible to all WeChat users, and there is no need for them to download them to use. To find the ones that you like to use, you can either manually search for them at WeChat or simply scan a QR code that can redirect you to the mini-program that you wish.

Related: How to create a social Kakaotalk QR code to grow your network

How to scan WeChat QR code

Scanning a WeChat QR code is very easy, whether using an Android or iOS device. To read your QR code, just follow these simple steps:

  1. Click on the “Discover” button found on the WeChat Home screen.
  2. Tap the “Scan” on the menu.
  3. Hover your camera at the WeChat QR code.
  4. The WeChat application will then read the QR code and do the desired function.

Connect your WeChat app with other social media apps using QRTIGER’s social media QR code

QRTIGER’s social media QR code has the ability to house all of your social media profiles. You can embed the links of your social site’s profiles within a single QR code, including your WeChat IDs.

By integrating WeChat into the social media QR code, people can scan the QR code and they will be redirected to a page that might compel them to follow your account, add you to group chats, or for mobile and electronic payment purposes in WeChat.

Moreover, this QR code solution is one of QRTIGER’s social media QR code features. With that being said, you can link not just your WeChat ID, but all of your social media profiles without the hassle.

So, if you already have a WeChat account, or any other social media accounts, for your business, this social WeChat QR code ensures you that you can easily connect to your target market.

How to generate social WeChat QR code with QRTIGER’s social media QR code solution

To create your WeChat QR code, follow these steps:

1. Go to www.qrcode-tiger.com

2. Click the ‘Social Media’ category.

3. Tap the WeChat icon and put or paste your WeChat ID profile on the designated space.

4. To add more social media profiles, enter the social media programs you want to add.

Fill out the necessary information in the space provided such as your WeChat ID.

5. Drag the WeChat profile you’ve filled out to the top of the list of social media sites.

6. Click on the ‘Generate QR code‘ button.

7. Personalize your QR code by choosing the patterns, eyes, color scheme, add logo, and a call-to-action.

8. Perform a scan test.

9. Download, deploy, and print.

See to it that you set your QR code using SVG or PNG before downloading as these aforementioned image formats do not affect the quality of your output.

Related: How to Create a Social Media QR Code in 7 steps!

How does the social WeChat QR code work?

The social media WeChat QR code allows you to link your WeChat ID to easily build connections with other WeChat users.

When people scan the QR code, they will be redirected to a page that might compel them to follow your account, add you to group chats, or for mobile and electronic payment purposes in WeChat.

Moreover, this QR code solution is one of QRTIGER’s social media QR code features. With that being said, you can link not just your WeChat ID, but all of your social media profiles without the hassle.

So, if you already have a WeChat account, or any other social media accounts, for your business, this social WeChat QR code ensures you that you can easily connect to your target market.

Advantages of using QRTIGER’s WeChat QR Social Media QR code

1. Provides a faster way of adding contacts.

Leave the traditional way of adding people to your friends’ list or your contacts and just use QR codes. You can scan a QR code with your smartphones, and you’re automatically adding someone to your contacts.

2. Best way to optimize your social media profiles

The gleaming 98% QR code usage growth rate came from the total number of interactions. With this number alone, ensuring traffic to your social media platforms is a sure thing. QR codes pique people’s interest, pushing them to scan the QR code and creating a conversion rate to your analytics.

By integrating WeChat to QRTIGER’s social media QR code, you promote your profiles without even trying so hard.

3. Has editable content

Social media QR code is a feature of Dynamic QR codes. And as a matter of fact, Dynamic QR codes are known for their editability. So, chancing of committing mistakes with landing pages or URLs shouldn’t be a big deal.

WeChat social media QR code allows users to update information, links, or landing pages.

4. Allows you to track the scanning analytics.

If you’re a business marketer or a social media influencer, you know how important it is to understand the demographics. QRTIGER’s social media QR code allows you to keep track of the scanning statistics of your QR code.

5. Can be scanned in print or digital display

Don’t worry about where to place your social media QR codes. With QRTIGER, you can flaunt your QR codes either in print media or digital without having to think if people can scan them or not.

Best QR code generator and scanner for WeChat Social Media QR code

Looking for a QR code generator with a built-in QR code scanner is a known nuisance. But QRTIGER gives you a solution to this issue.

With the QRTIGER application, you can generate your WeChat Social Media QR code. Still, it also allows you to scan any QR code with your smartphone. Plus, you don’t have to worry about phone compatibility issues because the QRTIGER app is downloadable in Play Store and App Store.

You can rely on QRTIGER when it comes to providing the best services. With this application, generating and scanning QR codes are done by simply fishing your phone out of your pocket.

Let QRTIGER be your WeChat QR code generator!

This fad about QR codes indeed gives rise to QR code generators online, increasing tension in the market. Needless to say, people should only choose the one that’s trusted and best among the others.

QRTIGER allows you to be creative and technical in generating your social media QR code. Personalize them, add colors, and be keen on the statistics. Generate your WeChat account QR code with QRTIGER, and you are secured of better service and offers.

Socialization is made more accessible with QRTIGER’s social media QR code solution.

