Latest App Features

Tania Pranatajaya
Published in
2 min readDec 5, 2017

Last week, we have just released a major update for our mobile apps both in Android and IOS. This release includes updates on following 4 features:

  1. Instagram reviews: we’ve aggregated Instagram data into our database and translated that information to photo reviews. This feature was first implemented on our website a few weeks back, and now we are integrating it into our apps.
Instagram reviews

2. Discovery by food and location: this new feature will ease user in their restaurant discovery process. Users can start searching either by food or location in which they prefer. The goal is to provide users with more specific and relevant search results.

Discover by food and location

3. Landmark badges: adding icons to location filters will make it easier for users to differentiate landmarks that are hotels and malls. It is a minor feature improvement but these tiny changes can make a difference in the UX.

Landmark badges

4. Search logic improvements: we’ve made improvements to our search results with query entity recognition. Prior to this release when user type “sushi”, the results will show restaurant names containing “sushi” as top results. Now, results will also show popular restaurants that serve sushi food type, as the top results.

Query entity recognition

We will continue to share updates on major feature releases on our app and as usual, we always appreciate any feedback or comments you may have regarding this release.

