Qravity demo coming soon. Token presale coming a bit later.

Qravity Com
Published in
2 min readJul 27, 2018

Once again, we’ve got excellent news for the rapidly growing Qravity community: we’re about to launch a demo of our digital entertainment production and distribution platform. Soon, you will be able to explore Qravity and discover how it can benefit you as a producer, creative, consumer, or distributor.

Our diligent development team is fine-tuning the platform’s interface, features, and functions to ensure it delivers the best possible Qravity experience. You’ll learn more about those features and functions in this space next week.

We believe that token sale participants should experience the platform so that they have a hands-on understanding of exactly what their contributions are helping build. We want them to see that, as contributors, they are collectively playing a key role in improving entertainment production and distribution processes. And we feel it’s important that everyone has the opportunity to test-drive the platform to understand its potential prior to the token sale.

Here’s a sneak peek of what we’ve been working on

Due to the additional time required to prepare Qravity for public demos, we have to move our token presale start date to August 18, 2018.

In the coming weeks, we will keep you up to date on all the latest Qravity news and your opportunity to get 30% bonus QCO in the token presale.

Thank you for understanding. Have a great day!

Your friends at Qravity.



Qravity Com

Qravity is a digital entertainment production studio and distributor where decentralized creative teams get royalties for their work. Token sale coming soon!