QryptoQueer: How I Found my LGBT Family in Blockchain & Crypto

Kyle Graden


A short while back, I began describing myself as a “Nomadic QryptoQueer” on my dating profiles. I did it to try to find and start conversations with people that shared my interest in emerging technology as I traveled around the world. I soon came to realize that many people were curious and asked what “QryptoQueer” meant.

I first encountered the term when I was added to a Telegram group titled “QryptoQueers”. Many companies and professionals in the blockchain and crypto industry use Telegram. This group was originally started by Brennan O’Rear so that LGBTQ identified could connect while attending conferences and events.

In short, active members of the Telegram group reached a consensus that a QryptoQueer is someone who:

  1. is passionate about blockchain, cryptocurrency and/or distributed ledger technology (DLT)

and who

2. self-defines as part of the LGBTQIA+ community

Definition of a QryptoQueer

Collectively, we QryptoQueers are a global community organizing to increase representation and welcome folks to the blockchain and cryptocurrency market, which is slowly making its way into every industry. There is so much more to crypto and blockchain than makes the headlines, and this is just the beginning!

More Than a Label

Everyone has their own journey from discovering to evangelizing the new technology. I first heard about blockchain when I was traveling in Asia in late 2016. During the trip, I had a business idea that I knew was technically feasible to build but wasn’t sure where to start. As I was testing the waters with friends, someone mentioned blockchain as a possible way to bring it to reality. When I heard “blockchain”, the first image that popped into my head was a rectangular piece of hardware that was literally on a metal chain that attaches to you. Let me tell you, it’s not!

After that, I spent about a year and a half trying to educate myself in the space to no avail. It wasn’t until I found the QryptoQueers group that I was actually able to make progress. For me, the group has served as an avenue for networking, as a resource group, and as a place for constructive dialogue of people that shared my enthusiasm. Now, I view the term with a sense of belonging and hope for a better future.

An ad-hoc QryptoQueers meetup during the diversity and inclusion party at the DevCon 4 Ethereum Developer Conference in Prague.

A blockchain is defined “as a system in which a record of transactions made in bitcoin or another cryptocurrency is maintained across several computers that are linked in a peer-to-peer network”. Basically, it’s an immutable ledger that is not controlled by any individual or organization.

In the same way, you don’t need to understand how the internet works to surf the web, you don’t have to be a techie to understand and appreciate this game-changing technology. The passion for this technology comes from how we apply it in our lives, whether we know it’s blockchain or not.

Blockchain Use Cases

Economic Sovereignty — The 1.7 billion adults that remain unbanked now have a gateway to financial access.

  • Blockchain For Social Justice (B4SJ) — a coalition that encourages that every blockchain project be designed to uplift marginalized communities and eliminate the wealth gap, poverty, intergenerational trauma and promote true democracy within unfair institutions. B4SJ has developed an online aggregate of resources to support individuals in accessing the tools and knowledge necessary to engage in the blockchain ecosystem.
The “Blockchain for good” panel hosted by San Francisco Tech for Good during San Francisco Blockchain Week 2019.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) — The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future.

  • Organizational Accountability — Governments, corporations, and nonprofit organizations have an opportunity to gain efficiencies and establish a culture of transparency.
  • Giveth — striving to bring new governance models into the nonprofit space. Giveth is re-engineering charitable giving, by creating an entirely free, open-source platform, built on the Ethereum Blockchain. The system cuts out bureaucracy and enables makers to create a high level of transparency and accountability.

Powerhouse QryptoQueers

I’m not the only QryptoQueer (really!). Throughout my travels, I’ve gotten to meet and work with incredible individuals that are leading us into the future. We are activists, entrepreneurs, investors, developers, marketers, and more (QryptoQueers contribute to all of the projects mentioned above )! I can prove it. I’d like you to get-to-know the first QryptoQueers I encountered on my journey, Joe DiPasquale and Lindsay Nuon.

Kyle Graden (left) and Joe DiPasquale (right) at the StartOut 2018 Awards Gala.

Joe DiPasquale is CEO of BitBull Capital, a crypto hedge fund and the world’s first fund of funds. Having evaluated over 600 crypto funds, Joe has a unique insight into investment styles, diligence, and deals. He has been a cryptocurrency investor since 2013, and produces video interviews with top crypto investors and technologists on his YouTube “Crypto Joe.”

Before crypto, he worked in investment management, investment banking, technology, and strategy consulting at Deutsche Bank, Bain, and McKinsey. Joe completed his BA at Harvard University and MBA at Stanford University. Just recently, Joe was named one of the 23 most powerful LGBTQ people in tech.

Another leader in the blockchain space is Lindsay Nuon. Lindsay is CEO of EmpirEqual, a human capital and risk management platform that helps organizations code in equality and the Founder of the global non-profit, Women of Color in Blockchain (WCB). When she’s not organizing blockchain hackathons, she can be found speaking at events like Lesbians Who Tech, UN Summit, and SXSW.

Lindsay Nuon (left) and Kyle Graden (right) enjoy dinner after Blockchain Seattle Conference 2018.

Lindsay began her career in STEM in the US military over 15 years ago and has since worked in the US Intelligence Community with government agencies including NCIS, the FBI, and HHS; Fortune 500 companies, as an Adjunct Professor at the University of New Hampshire School of Law in the Blockchain, Cryptocurrency and Law Certificate Program, and one of the hottest Cybersecurity start-ups in the industry topping best-of-lists from Dark Reading to WSJ. Recently Lindsay joined Google to contribute due diligence expertise to the privacy, security, mergers, and acquisitions team.

Kyle Graden (left) and Lindsay Ladd (Right) at the Google Security Holiday Party.

Connect With QryptoQueers!

As my globe-trotting, entrepreneurial journey continues, I express gratitude to the QryptoQueer community and hope that you’ll be inspired to join the movement.

Visit QryptoQueers.org to learn more and engage with us!

About the Author:

Kyle (kee-lay | he/she/they) Graden is a globetrotting, non-binary social entrepreneur and strategic consultant. Kyle likes to connect with people striving to empower a more accountable, transparent, and equitable world. Kyle was recently named to the Top 100 FinTech for SDG Influencers list of people who are leveraging the power of FinTech and blockchain technology to create a positive impact on the future. In addition to being a QryptoQueer, Kyle is a member of StartOut, TransTech Social, Out in Tech, and RAHM. Learn more about Kyle Graden.



Kyle Graden

Citizen of the World looking to expand our understanding of gender beyond the binary.