Interview with Sebastiano Cataudo, Co-Founder of YOMI.

Published in
4 min readOct 14, 2022
New Partnership! 🚀 Quadrans Foundation + YOMI

The Quadrans Foundation recently announced a partnership with YOMI. We had a chat with YOMI Co-Founder Sebastiano Cataudo. Here’s what he shared with us!

YOMI is a laboratory of innovation and development that aims at bridging the gap between ideas and reality through top-notch tech solutions. The company’s vision is “to contribute towards delivering Web 3.0 to the world, i.e. a fair decentralized internet in which users control their own data, identity and destiny.”

Founded in 2021, the company has seen exponential growth in recent months, counting on several major names in the web3 space among its customers and partners.

Following, an interview with Sebastiano Cataudo, co-founder of YOMI and Quadrans Foundation’s member, covering several leading roles in different companies and projects.

Sebastiano is a proficient and passionate Blockchain Developer with a proven track record of cutting-edge technology solutions in the field that dates back to 2016.

Deeply knowledgeable in blockchain security, architecture patterns, and different protocols and ecosystems, he handled several projects, proving his capability of excelling as part of a team or individually in a fast-paced environment.

In this article Sebastiano tells us more about his background and experience with YOMI, and his vision of Quadrans’ impact and potential, sharing some tips for developers approaching the blockchain universe.

The first thing that catches our eye in your Twitter profile bio is “Polyhedric Open-Source Developer”. What does it mean for you?


I run through that definition word for word. Well, starting from “developer” it speaks for itself, I don’t have much to add!

The adjective “Polyhedric”, on the other side, expresses both my approach and advocacy for a multi-chain future for blockchain, meaning one where there are multiple ecosystems thriving while being interoperable with each other.

Last but not least, “Open-Source” refers to my conception of blockchain as a genuinely public, decentralized and transparent way to keep records. Open source facilitates the decentralization meaning no one central “source of truth” can become corrupted or make decisions that impact everyone. At a glance, newcomers may worry that this could make the technology vulnerable, but in reality, the open-source nature helps any software to protect it and maintain that all-important transparency. Moreover, allowing others in on the technology can exponentially boost the potential applications available and its spread!

How and when did your passion for blockchain start?

Back in 2015, I was a fresh expat seeking my way into Berlin’s startup ecosystem when I stepped on Bitcoin. That was the gateway for me and I never looked back since then:

once I got deeper into Web 3.0, I knew I wanted to be actively part of this paradigm shift.

What is the motivation behind running your own web3 studio, YOMI?

I firmly believe teamwork is the key to success in any domain. I just couldn’t imagine myself not being part of a group of people striving towards the same vision, sharing feedbacks, and contributing to something bigger with their own unique skills, perspectives and attitudes.

YOMI is more than a company to me, it is a place, both virtual and physical, in which everyone has the opportunity to express themselves and their ideas without the fear of not being heard. This allows us to do great things and have a lot of fun together.

Only a fool wouldn’t want to be part of this!

What does being part of the Quadrans Foundation mean to you?

It makes me proud to be an active contributor, together with experts, researchers and academics from all over the world, to such a promising player in the blockchain ecosystem.

Quadrans is a perfect example of a project that truly never stopped evolving to achieve the goal of providing a transparent and efficient tool for communication, governance, and business.

What are, in your opinion, Quadrans core advantages?

Quadrans blockchain improves the structure and performance of businesses, institutions, and public organizations. It is affordable, very suitable for industrial use cases (complex supply chains, process executions, data management), and achieves high throughput in a secure way while maintaining a high degree of decentralization.

What would be the top 3 tips you would give to other blockchain developers?

I would summarise them as follows:

  1. Never stop learning. This will keep your mind sharp and help you stay on top of this incredibly fast-moving field.
  2. Be proactive. Think about the future and focus on the things you can control instead of those you cannot.
  3. Don’t get stuck on just one chain. The future is multi-chain, I tell you!

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Quadrans is an open-source, public, decentralised blockchain infrastructure for Smart-Contracts and dApps.