April Community Update

Torsten | Quadrant Protocol
Quadrant Protocol
Published in
3 min readApr 29, 2021

As our Geolancer project is inching towards public release, we are excited to present our end-of-April community update.

Geolancer launch

Geolancer, our platform gamifying the collection and verification of Point-of-Interest (POI) data, is now in the final stages of testing. In the last three weeks, a selected group of users has been mapping multiple cities in West Java, Indonesia. They are professional surveyors who collected POIs for years for one of the most prominent navigation companies in the world. They provided us with valuable insights on usability, accuracy, and processes, and their feedback is currently being incorporated into the app.

The public rollout of Geolancer is days away. We are implementing the final rewards system, as well as the option to attach photos to each POIs. This week, we are going to reach out to community members in seven APAC countries who signed up to the waiting list on the Geolancer website and launch a public and guided pilot there. If you haven’t signed up yet, you can do it here!

Polygon and NFTs

As announced last week, we have partnered with Polygon (previously Matic) to launch Geolancer. Quadrant’s cryptocurrency, eQUAD, was initially launched as an ERC20 token. However, a single ERC20 transaction today can cost anywhere between $5-$30, making the immediate distribution of rewards unfeasible. Instead of batching rewards and distributing them once a month (which might be possible but would be a bad user experience), we partnered with Polygon. On Polygon, gas costs are negligible, so Geolancers can get their rewards real-time as soon as the POI they add gets verified.

Thanks to the migration, we can also introduce an additional gamification element we’ve been researching for months: Geohash NFTs. Expect to hear more about this in the upcoming months. Now, all we can say is that in early April, we held a successful internal hackathon validating the idea and building a proof-of-concept. It is shaping up to be the industry’s largest NFT project!

Polygon and BSC pools

With the Polygon announcement, eQUAD is now available to trade on QuickSwap, Polygons’s Uniswap alternative. We expect Geolancers to use this DEX actively.

In further good news for gas-efficient traders, AnySwap set up an Ethereum <-> Binance Smart Chain bridge for eQUAD. There is now a BNB-eQUAD liquidity pool on BSC that can be traded on PancakeSwap, and other decentralized exchanges. Until we appear on their lists, please add eQUAD as a custom token (0x564bef31ec942ffe1bff250786f76a5c5141b9f3).


The Quadrant Consent Management Platform, our blockchain-powered compliance tool, is in active development. The frontend is close to final, and we are finishing the smart contracts on the Quadrant Chain. QCMP is still on track to be released in Q2.

Ecosystem Development Fund

The Ecosystem Development Fund currently holds 2.7 million eQUAD, around $53,000 at current market prices. We’ve last updated the numbers at the end of March, so expect more tokens to be added to the Fund soon.

While the Fund is not “open” yet in terms of the community voting on projects and grants, we encourage you to submit ideas. We record these and will add them to the list of proposals to be published later this year.

A busy month for Quadrant

May will be all about Geolancer. Expect to see a lot of activity in our Telegram group and on our Twitter, and make sure you sign up to the waiting list, especially if you live in Southeast Asia, Australia, or New Zealand.

Until next time, enjoy low-gas trading!

