Community Update: Geolancer Special

Torsten | Quadrant Protocol
Quadrant Protocol
Published in
3 min readJun 16, 2021

Geolancer, one of our biggest projects of the year, is the cornerstone of our long-term strategy both in our core business — location data — and in crypto. We’ve launched Geolancer a little over a month ago, and it is time to look at the results.

Between May 10 — June 10, we’ve run a beta launch campaign for Geolancer in seven countries across the Asia Pacific: Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, and Vietnam. We recruited users mainly through Twitter ads, targeting a younger, crypto-savvy audience. Geolancers who added at least 25 POIs in a day shared a daily reward pool of $ 1000’s worth of EQUAD. We’ve also rewarded the best in each country and the best globally with an additional $1111 bonus in EQUAD.

The campaign’s goal was to test the Geolancer app in the wild, gather helpful feedback about the user experience, and validate our business model.

The results are in, and they surpassed even our most optimistic expectations.

Campaign results

Over one month, 272 Geolancers added over 50,000 Points-of-Interest, more than 1600 a day on average. Users in Indonesia and the Philippines were the most active, with these two countries clocking in above 35,000 data points. While the former saw more places added, Geolancers in the Philippines were the most active, with users collecting 375 POIs on average.

Although this was a registration-only beta launch, these numbers are already making a difference. Especially in Southeast Asia, existing POI data sets are typically low quality, full of inaccuracies and outdated records. The global pandemic made the situation considerably worse, as many businesses were forced to shut down.

Offering manually verified, therefore accurate, up-to-date, and complete Point-of-Interest data on the world’s most challenging markets gives Quadrant an edge no one else has in the industry. As a testament to this, we are already executing a Proof-of-Concept project in Vietnam for one of Southeast Asia’s largest mobility companies. We are in multiple talks about further large-scale data collection across the APAC region.

The interest we see on the client-side is a resounding testimony of the product-market fit. We see the same sentiment in the Geolancer community: getting rewarded with crypto while helping local businesses is an exciting opportunity many people are interested in.

Geolancer is also one of the pillars of our token economics, as Geolancer rewards are purchased directly off the open market. In the last month, we’ve bought more than 5.5 million EQUAD on QuickSwap for a little over $1000 each day. This reward pool was capped during the campaign, but when Geolancer goes fully public, we will switch to a pay-per-POI model. In a few months, we envision hundreds of Geolancers adding many thousands of data points every day.

Next steps for Geolancer

Geolancer is taking a break for a few weeks. We are launching another month-long campaign soon, optimising user acquisition by introducing a referral system and focusing on the quality of the data collected.

In Q3, we plan to release Geolancer to the general public.

