Data Authenticity in Quadrant

Barkha Jasani
Quadrant Protocol
Published in
4 min readApr 6, 2018
Constellations in Quadrant

Quadrant is a blockchain-based protocol that enables the access, creation, and distribution of data products and services with authenticity and provenance at its core. The data economy is similar to outer space: unmapped and chaotic. Quadrant serves as a blueprint that provides an organized system for the utilization of decentralized data.

In a few words, the Quadrant Protocol aims to create a transparent, trustworthy, and fluid flow of data. Considering that the real value of data depends on the procedures related to its collection, organization, and accuracy, the creation of a mechanism guaranteeing the originality and accuracy of data is critical to improving the data economy.

To fix the problem of data originality, our team introduced a simple, yet powerful process called Data Stamping. Data Stamping is a system used to prove the authenticity of data at the point of origin. Through this process, Quadrant creates a method of authenticity and provenance, making data verification possible. The result is a simple, secure, mutually rewarding for data creators & data users, independent, and portable proof of data integrity.

To make the presentation of Quadrant and its data stamping feature simpler and more comprehensive, we need to deconstruct the key participants and their roles in the platform:

  • Nurseries — Entities who create data
  • Pioneers — Entities who use smart contracts to turn data into data products called Constellations
  • Elons — The visionaries who create innovative data use cases and build upon data within the system

These three entities empower the system, making new data available and driving innovations that will have an impact on the way we work and live. But to drive these innovations, we first must start with trust.

Data Stamping

Producer Client

Data stamping begins with the Nurseries. As soon as data is produced, the hash, along with metadata, is stamped into Quadrant. This ensures that when the data is consumed, either today or ten years from now, the Data Consumer is assured that the data is in the exact state it was in when it was produced.

As an example, a data producer has data streaming from millions of devices into his storage every hour. Quadrant’s Data Producer Client will be programmed to read from this storage and begin the stamping process. It will read the file or directory of files, create a hash, and then stamp the data’s metadata — its DNA — into Quadrant. This data DNA will be used to identify the data and its provenance in the network. At this point, the producer client has fulfilled its function of stamping data to the chain.

Consumer Client

When data is bought via smart contracts on Quadrant, our Consumer Client will kick in. It will read the delivered data and hash them for verification. After this data hashing, the generated hash will be used to identify the authenticity of the data as compared to the original files. In turn, the Quadrant Consumer Client will generate a stamp and verify it against the Quadrant Procurer Client. A match indicates the successful completion of verification.

The stamping and verification processes all run programmatically, with the respective users able to set the timeframes and create alerts to notify them of data hash mismatches.

Sophistication in Simplicity

With Quadrant Protocol’s Data Stamping, the problems associated with data provenance and authenticity are vastly diminished.

  1. The authenticity of the point of origin with timestamped hashes on the chain proves both the origin and the volume of produced data. The uniqueness of the digital fingerprint is calculated from the file’s content, creating a design whereby it is computationally infeasible to find two different messages which produce the same number.
  2. Buyers’ involvement in verification is reduced, as the evaluation of the data by quality team experts is reduced to the minimum. Fewer experts’ contributions means more agility in the business procedures and less unneeded commission and cost.
  3. Machines do the veracity job, limiting errors and costs and enhancing privacy in this process, since no third parties who may be editing or forwarding data will be unable to do so.
  4. Irrefutable public proof of ownership and provenance trails for compliance are achieved. This feature is pioneering and catalytic in the new data world, covering the legal aspects of acquiring external data in a precise, quick, and cost-effective way.

Quadrant’s blockchain data stamping mechanism sets the foundation for data trading in a transparent and trusted manner. The applications of this process are limitless, from data rights to fake news; we can see stamping having far-reaching applications across industries. With this authentication foundation in the protocol, Quadrant will work to create a sustainable, trusted data economy. Quadrant will establish itself as the leading platform on which to build and host innovations related to data, AI, and the data driven applications that drive human ingenuity.

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