Development and Community Update October 2018

Nikos | Quadrant Protocol
Quadrant Protocol
Published in
4 min readOct 25, 2018

It has been another big month for the Quadrant Protocol team. As part of our growth strategy coming out of this summer’s successful token sale, we have added six new team members in the past month. We have also made important strides on the technical side, refining a tool to identify and weed out faulty information that could infect algorithms if scraped indiscriminately from the web. CEO Mike Davie has continued to connect with the community through weekly videos as well as through appearances in the media and is travelling to the United States during the first two weeks of November to attend meetings and meet with customers, partners, community members and fellow entrepreneurs.

Here are some highlights from a busy month:

Growing Team
Quadrant is happy to announce the addition of six new team members over the past month. These new hires are all on the business development execution side, representing a major expansion of our capacity to win customers and grow partnerships.

With these new additions, our total team size has grown to 12 employees — a big jump from where we were only a few months ago! These new members will be integral in achieving our growth plans and we are very excited to have them on board. The fact that such talented professionals are eager to join Quadrant is a testament to our momentum, to the strength of our product, and to the dynamism of the data space.

Development Spotlight
We have been working on some other exciting developments on the technical front this month as well. Our engineers have been hard at work building and testing new tools. If these tests are successful, expect to see a full announcement next month.

Bounty Distribution
For those of you who completed our bounty program over the summer, we are happy to announce the distribution of your bounty. Quadrant Protocol will be disbursing the tokens to all our bounty participants within the next three weeks. All stakes have been counted, and all participants will receive the number of tokens they are eligible for in their wallets.

Partnership Boost
Strong partnerships continue to be a key component of our success. In particular, Bluzelle is making exciting progress working with our protocol to ensure data integrity. You can read about it here, here, and here and see a video on the project here

CEO Mike Davie is Traveling to North America

Quadrant Protocol’s CEO Mike Davie will be making a trip to the United States and Canada at the beginning of November, spending two weeks and visiting the Vancouver, Toronto, New York and San Francisco areas. The itinerary is as follows:

  • 3rd November — Vancouver
  • 5th to 9th November — New York City (and vicinity)
  • 10th November — Toronto
  • 11th to 15th November — San Francisco (and vicinity)

A highlight of the trip will be his attendance at the invitation-only Draper Venture Network CEO Summit in Silicon Valley on 14 and 15 November, where he will meet with representatives from technologists, entrepreneurs, and investors from around the world. He will also be attending the World Blockchain Forum in New York and hosting events in Vancouver, Toronto, and San Francisco.

We would love for you to stop by and say hello if you will be near any of the areas he is visiting. Mike invites anyone to sign up for any of the three events Quadrant is hosting in Vancouver, Toronto, and San Francisco is hosting in North America. Details and event pages can be found here.

CEO Mike Davie in the Media

CEO Mike Davie has again been featured in various media over the past month. On 2 October, he was featured in the International Business Times, a widely-read international daily, arguing for the ways in which data can be used to design and optimize smart cities and improve the lives of citizens. You can find the full article here.

And on 18 October, he has a featured guest on 938NOW, a Singapore-based radio station focusing on business and financial matters, discussing ways in which Singapore, as a high-tech metropolis, is vulnerable to bad data and ways to protect the city and its people. You can listen to a recording of the interview here.

Video Updates from our CEO

Mike has continued to produce weekly update videos focusing on interesting developments and trends in the data space.

You can view all of his videos below:

We hope and believe Mike’s video updates offer interesting and informative information, but we are always looking for feedback from readers and viewers on the content we produce. Please share any feedback with our Telegram Community. Quadrant Protocol welcomes your input.

We’re Hiring!

We’re always looking for talented professionals to help us spread the word about Quadrant Protocol. Quadrant Protocol is an exciting place to work, located in one of the world’s most dynamic cities. You can check here the latest job openings in Quadrant Protocol :

Please apply through Linkedin or ask our team directly through our Telegram community to inquire about career opportunities and learn more.

That’s it for this update! Please continue to watch our Medium, Telegram, and Twitter accounts for additional information on Mike’s upcoming trip. We look forward to seeing you in November! We thank you for your continued support!

All the best,
The Quadrant Protocol Team

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Nikos | Quadrant Protocol
Quadrant Protocol

Supporting data professionals and companies to build projects and grow organizations, utilizing blockchain technology with tools offered by Quadrant Protocol!