Development and Community Update September 2018

Nikos | Quadrant Protocol
Quadrant Protocol
Published in
5 min readSep 27, 2018

It has been a positive month at Quadrant Protocol, and we are happy to share the progress we’ve made since our last update. As we continue to make advances on our technical development and roadmap, our team has been out meeting with members of the community and potential partners — and we are growing too. We’re making waves in the media as well. Here are some highlights:

Development Spotlight

As we announced earlier, we are busy implementing product updates and working with customers to test demos that handle real-life use cases. As we network and interact with more data pioneers, we are adapting and optimizing our products to meet their demonstrated needs, developing the tools to respond to their daily challenges.

Milestones from our DEV team

Our technical team has delivered a great surprise. In an earlier-than-expected technical sprint, Quadrant Protocol’s stamping client showed in its last testing phase for a real-case that it is now handling files up to 10GB. This is a 25x improvement over our previous release, vastly expanding our capacity to meet more demanding use cases, including long form video.

The team is ecstatic with the possibilities this enables. One example that springs to mind from a specific industry need; each week tens of thousands of political videos are uploaded on the popular broadcasting service - Youtube - and need to fact-check in real-time. Now with this technical milestone, we are able to make it a reality and offer this as a service.

This kind of expansion has the knock-on effect of creating demand for more utility tokens and accelerates the potential to solve new challenges.

We will release a demo of our updated environment soon, and provide an opportunity for users to try it themselves.

Among other use cases, we are working closely with a Fortune 500 company, using Quadrant’s technology to identify false and fraudulent data. We will release more information once we finish the prototype.

Partnership Building

Internet of Things (IoT) is connecting the digital and physical worlds with breathtaking results. SkyLab, a Singapore-based company that provides critical IoT data logistic solutions to enterprises, is working with us to explore ways to apply technology to the world of smart cities to better utilize data and improve the lives of Singaporeans.

Photo: Our CEO Mike Davie with the SkyLab team

Quadrant Connects At Consensus

Consensus Singapore was a perfect reason for our team to network and forge new ties while strengthening established partnerships.

Besides making valuable new contacts, we had the chance to connect with some of our long-term partners, take stock of our progress and look at the future of Quadrant as a leading company shaping the data economy.

Asia will always be a major strategic market for Quadrant and we are proud to have a deep and wide network across the continent. These include Capital Traders, who have been among our biggest supporters. We are also looking to grow our presence in countries such as Thailand and Vietnam. So we were delighted to meet up with Nam Nguyen, Chief Strategy Officer of VB Capital, which has been making connections for us in the thriving Big Data, Blockchain and AI communities in Vietnam.

You can read our full Medium post on the event here.

Hellenic Blockchain Hub

While Asia is a primary focus, we remain active elsewhere too. In Europe, for example, we are fostering ties with potential partners and customers by showcasing Quadrant’s promise. Take a look at this picture in Athens of the captive audience at an initiative of the Hellenic Blockchain Hub focused on practical uses of blockchain for Greek enterprises and government agencies.

CEO Mike Davie in the Media

Quadrant CEO Mike Davie was also interviewed by Singapore’s Money FM 89.3 on the power of data to improve people’s lives. He explained how “We want to use data to improve people’s lives … People want better lives and want technology to improve their lives and data is a core of that. What we need to do and what the laws need to do is protect people from manipulation and focus on the laws that prevent data from being misused.” You can listen to his interview here.

Video Updates from our CEO

We also launched our first live update in what we plan to be a regular video series directly from our CEO Mike Davie! Occasionally, we will host industry experts, who will take the spotlight and fill us in on the latest trends and industry updates. Check out the first video where Mike gives his perspective on the industry landscape, details partnership engagements and appeals directly to the community for recommendations of data monetization and AI companies to collaborate with. “We are all here to solve problems, so let’s do it.”

We’re Hiring!

We’re looking for talented marketing professionals to help us spread the word about Quadrant Protocol. Quadrant is an exciting place to work, located in one of the world’s most dynamic cities. You can check here the latest job openings in Quadrant Protocol :

Please apply through Linkedin or ask our team directly through our Telegram community to inquire about career opportunities and learn more.

That’s it for this update! Stay tuned to our Telegram channel and Medium blog for continuing news on Quadrant. We thank you for your continued support!

All the best,

The Quadrant Protocol Team



Nikos | Quadrant Protocol
Quadrant Protocol

Supporting data professionals and companies to build projects and grow organizations, utilizing blockchain technology with tools offered by Quadrant Protocol!