Forging Deeper and Meaningful Partnerships

Navas Khan
Quadrant Protocol
Published in
3 min readJul 19, 2018

We are delighted to share exciting news about our ever strengthening ties with the communities of our great partners who strive to help Quadrant build our blueprint to map decentralized data.

Today, we announced deeper connections with the communities of strategic partners Bluzelle, Effect.AI and Media Protocol. We launched an offer of a 20 percent bonus reward of Quadrant’s tokens, eQUADs, for the token holders of those communities.

Building deeper partnerships with Media Protocol, Effect.AI, and Bluzelle

The synergies with these three powerful companies benefit everyone with our joint solutions and we are happy to be able to provide rewards within our inter-connected communities. In AMAs with community members from Media Protocol and Bluzelle, our CEO Mike Davie revealed the news. He later popped by Effect.AI’s community to drop them the good news.

The initiative is based on our commitment to collaboration. By creating combined solutions to solve problems we will be able to bring long term stability and growth to each project.

Participate NOW in our public sale. It is live and you should check it out. By participating in our public sale you’ll be supporting the growth of these different, amazing projects.

Here is how the plan works for both Quadrant’s supporters and the members of the other communities.

Anybody who participates in our ICO with a contribution of at least 1 ETH and also holds tokens from one of these other communities (BLZ, EFX, MEDIA) will earn the eQUADs bonus.

Bonus Token Schedule

The Quadrant Protocol token sale ends Thursday July 26.

Starting July 26, 2018 until July 30, participants need to complete an application form that will be distributed from our communication channels to claim their bonus tokens.

The bonus tokens will remain locked for a period of 90 days.

Eligible Contributors

All BLZ, EFX, MEDIA token holders who hold at least 1 token from one of Bluzelle, Effect.AI or Media Protocol on July 30.

On July 30, we will cross reference the bonus applications by scanning the accounts to confirm who has invested at least 1 ETH during Quadrant Protocol’s public token sale

Calculation Formula

Total number of eQUAD tokens acquired during the Public Token Sale + 20% bonus rewards

For example:
Nikolaos has 100, 0000 eQUAD tokens. Nikolaos also owns 100 BLZ tokens. Nikolaos will receive 20,000 additional eQUAD tokens as reward.

If you have currently contributed less than 1 ETH in Quadrant’s public token sale, already hold tokens in the other companies and want to take advantage of this bonus offer, all you have to do is to contribute to purchase more eQUADs to reach a total of 1 ETH.

If you do not hold any of the other companies’ tokens, but have contributed at least 1 ETH in Quadrant’s public sale, all you have to do is to buy one token of any of the other companies. Even just one token will be enough to guarantee your bonus tokens.

It doesn’t matter when you have purchased your eQUAD tokens, as long it was done directly from Quadrant during the Public Token Sale.

You can address your questions through our Telegram group or contact our Community Manager



Navas Khan
Quadrant Protocol

Strategic Advisor at Quadrant. I read about data, mostly.