Help us shape the decentralized future of the data economy

Nikos | Quadrant Protocol
Quadrant Protocol
Published in
2 min readSep 10, 2018

It’s been almost a year since we launched Quadrant Protocol, and now that we are at the point of realizing our initial goals, we believe this is a good time to review our progress, refine and update our plans and make sure we’re on course to meet our future targets.

We have organized our review into three core categories:

i) Data Return on Investment

ii) Complexity of handling and transmitting data

iii) Evaluation of data

Quadrant Protocol seeks to address each of these challenges, and we would like your help. We are looking for input from business leaders, data scientists, AI professionals, and data engineers to help shape the future of the data economy.

We have designed a survey, which you can access at the end of this post, to get your feedback and better understand your pain points.

It’s clear that blockchain has already changed the world. The way people transact and engage with Big Data is continuously adapting to meet the new trends of the industry. We are aware that many of you are continuously looking for ways to take action and build top-notch applications to further improve the data economy. That’s why we’re asking for your input in helping us optimize Quadrant Protocol for the future.

By taking the survey, you’ll get the chance to help build something you’ll love and use in your daily routine. To thank our supporters, if you propose a new feature or tool that Quadrant Protocol decides to incorporate, you could be eligible to claim a reward of eQUAD tokens. So let’s not wait any more, we are waiting to hear from you, our users.

This survey should take approximately 5–10 minutes to complete. Please fill it out as honestly as possible. We thank you in advance for your time and are honoured to have such a strong network of passionate people as part of our community.

Complete the survey here



Nikos | Quadrant Protocol
Quadrant Protocol

Supporting data professionals and companies to build projects and grow organizations, utilizing blockchain technology with tools offered by Quadrant Protocol!