Quadrant November Update: Note from CEO, Token Unlock, Mainnet Launch, and Strategic Updates

Nikos | Quadrant Protocol
Quadrant Protocol
Published in
5 min readNov 30, 2018


November has been a key month for Quadrant, as we hit several milestones amidst challenging crypto market conditions. In light of this, we are beginning this month’s company update with a note from our CEO, Mike Davie:

The last four weeks have been among the most challenging, and important, of my career. Last week, as you know, Quadrant Protocol launched its Mainnet, making us one of a small minority of blockchain businesses to hit that milestone. This achievement will bring major, tangible benefits to our customers and partners, enabling them to access authentic data feeds that will help them optimise their organisations. The launch of the Mainnet puts us in just about as strong a position as we can be to keep growing, hitting our business goals, and ensuring enterprise adoption of our technology.

I want to take some time to address the concerns that have been voiced by some members of the community over the past week. Specifically, some supporters have questioned why we chose to this time to launch the Mainnet and unlock the token, given very bad crypto market conditions.

Quadrant has an active base of customers who need the Mainnet to carry out their business. This is fundamentally a positive sign: Quadrant is a strong, growing company with users and customers. The data industry needs companies that are deploying technology to address real-world use cases. That is what we are focused on.

Regardless of crypto market fluctuations, Quadrant is first and foremost a data company, bridging the world of data, blockchain and crypto. The global data market continues to grow rapidly, and it needs the blockchain to provide trust and transparency. If we are successful in meeting this demonstrated need, and if we continue building a strong business with successful partnerships and customers, we will be successful in the long run. That is the journey we began earlier this year.

We will continue to announce new partnerships, new use cases, new business advisors and new features in the upcoming months. We remain committed to building a solid business and to working with the community to drive adoption. Markets rise and fall, but we are building for the long term.

Thank you again for your support.


Recap: Mainnet Launch and Token Unlock

On Thursday, 22 November, we launched the Quadrant Mainnet. The launch means that Quadrant’s data authentication technology is opened up to all public and private organisations. These organisations — from major FMCG, Governments and financial firms to start-ups and SMEs — will use the Mainnet to authenticate the data they purchase and use, helping them optimise their businesses.

The launch of the Mainnet is a major step forward for our business. It will allow Quadrant to bring authenticity and trust to a notoriously murky Data Economy, where data sources are routinely hidden, and fraud is common, resulting in firms often spending millions of dollars on data without any idea where it came from or how accurate it is. Quadrant offers significant cost savings to these businesses.

Our focus going forward is on adding and expanding partnerships with companies in the location analytics space. Our team is hard at work addressing the needs of this sector, where there is proven demand for our solution. We are now focused on delivering continued improvements to our technical capabilities and ensuring market adoption via our robust pipeline.

Debut of Quadrant.io

Homepage of Quadrant.io

The Mainnet launch and unlocking of the token coincide with the debut of Quadrant.io, the new home of our platform. Quadrant.io is a full-service offering for organisations and professionals who use data to achieve their goals, and where all of our planned tools and services will be made available. To reflect this growth, Quadrantprotocol.com has been repurposed to focus on the data protocol itself, which is the technical foundation of the Quadrant.io platform. It is designed to support and complement the main Quadrant.io site.

As always, we welcome your feedback and suggestions on our new websites.

Quadrant Debuts at IMDA’s Industry Day Event
Quadrant unveiled its data platform, supported by the Government of Singapore, at Singapore Digital (SG:D) Industry Day. The event was hosted by the Info-communications Media Development Authority (IMDA). Our CEO Mike Davie shared his insights on how the combination of Artificial Intelligence AI, blockchain and big data will forever change the way businesses interact with information. The event occurred on the same day as the Mainnet launch.

CEO Mike Davie on stage

Quadrant is supporting IMDA’s nationwide initiative to strengthen Singapore’s digitisation efforts amid the Digital Economy Framework for Action. In May, we signed a 2-year partnership with the Authority to implement a commercial AI and Microservice layer on Quadrant.io, to be powered by Quadrant Protocol.

In front of a full auditorium, Mike explained the capabilities of Quadrant’s cutting-edge technology and the ways in which our blockchain-powered protocol can play a crucial role in optimising data for businesses, governments and organisations, in line with SG:D strategy goals.

Come Be Part of Quadrant’s Growth
Quadrant is looking for industry partners to be a part of our growth story. Please contact Senior Data Consultant Glenn Harrison at glenn@quadrant.io to learn more if your business is involved in any of the following areas:

· App development and publishing
· Location Analytics
· Data Science
· Location analytics
· Data on consumer and business behaviour

That’s it for this update! Please continue to watch our Medium, Telegram, and Twitter accounts for continuing news on Quadrant. We thank you for your continued support!
All the best,

The Quadrant Protocol Team

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Nikos | Quadrant Protocol
Quadrant Protocol

Supporting data professionals and companies to build projects and grow organizations, utilizing blockchain technology with tools offered by Quadrant Protocol!