Quadrant Protocol Mainnet: The Heart of a New Data Business Ecosystem

Navas Khan
Quadrant Protocol
Published in
3 min readNov 20, 2018

Quadrant is First and Foremost a Data Company

We know data. In 2014, we launched DataStreamX, the world’s first online marketplace for real-time, high-value datasets. We wanted to spread the power of the data connecting suppliers and consumers across sectors and borders. After serving hundreds of users and facilitating billions of data record transactions, we became aware of both the incredible opportunities and mounting risks for the industry. Soon enough, we realized for the big data economy to reach a new level of innovation, and address endemic risk, we needed something greater than just a data marketplace.

The Quadrant Business Solution

Our vision: a whole new decentralized big data ecosystem with a protocol at the center to set a new standard for the way data is discovered, verified, mapped and connected. To power that protocol we have designed the QUAD, a utility token that allows transfer value and secure settlement within the Quadrant network.

Utility of the Token

The token’s main purpose will be driving adoption setting the right incentives to participate, support and protect the Quadrant blockchain. Our token economics are design to ensure a steady and sound demand of QUAD, enticing participants to utilize them and contribute the entire ecosystem to thrive.

From stamping and verifying data, to executing complex data products via Data Smart Contracts, to facilitating Artificial Intelligence services, the token will fuel all Mainnet features. And more important, our token will allow for fair, instantaneous, cost-effective and transparent sharing in aggregated data products, where the entire value chain is properly remunerated. This will promote the protocol’s adoption and economies of scale incentives, fostering a new era of cooperation and trust in the data sphere.

Quadrant Identifies Needs and Creates Value

At Quadrant Protocol, our terms are not just data buyers and data sellers, but data needs and data solutions. Founded on the core Quadrant Blockchain, our Mainnet architecture is designed with our diverse user-community base at the center, allowing our stakeholders to participate in many ways at the same time. Here are some of them:

Nurseries — Do you have some original data records and want to authenticate them to secure their integrity and value? Do you handle a valuable data flow and want to secure it? Do you have an idea for a useful data feed but no way to publish it? As a Nursery, you provide Quadrant network with a stable stream of raw data and in exchange Quadrant will verify, discover and map your output in our decentralized system so you don’t have to. These are the Data Stars in our Data Space.

Pioneers — Do you have a data necessity which requires several trustworthy data sources to fill it? Can you create meaning out of disparate raw data to produce actionable datasets? Do you want to feed your algorithms with different combinations of data sets without investing money and time checking their source and provenance? As a Pioneer, you are producing valuable products from the raw information populating the Data Space. Built with Data Smart Contracts, the Data Constellations will set the new standard for data.

Elons — Do you travel the data space imagining sophisticated data products to tackle global problems? Can you combine multiple complex datasets in unique and innovative ways? Do you feel the chaotic data space treasures the answers to impossible questions? As an Elon, we trust you all the power of Quadrant to explore and map the never-ending horizons of the data universe.

This Milestone Reflects Quadrant’s Strong Momentum

· Tested technology: Testnet improvements

· Working use cases: stamping tool

· Expanding business and partnerships

· Growing team

· Executing our road map

· Funds secured for five years from conclusion of successful ICO

But we always said the ICO was just day on the life of our company. Our business is bigger than tokens, and the token sale was a step on a longer road.

What’s Next

· Secure adoption, demand: onboard existing clients and expand pipeline

· AI Microservices Layer

· Constellation Protocol and Explorer

More Updates to Come

Please stay tuned to this blog for additional updates regarding our Mainnet release. We invite you to email us with any questions, or to post them in our Telegram channel.

Thank you again for your continued support

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Navas Khan
Quadrant Protocol

Strategic Advisor at Quadrant. I read about data, mostly.