Quadrant Protocol Technical Update: Integrating with Bluzelle’s Lovelace

Nikos | Quadrant Protocol
Quadrant Protocol
Published in
2 min readJul 13, 2018

A little while ago, we announced we signed a partnership with Bluzelle. Ever since, our community members have been regularly reaching out to our team, asking for more details and updates on this partnership. Both Bluzelle and Quadrant Protocol have been busy behind the scenes, working closely to build a cohesive, and more importantly, a useful partnership and solution for our collective users.

We’ve always said that we are storage agnostic, and now we’re proud to say that we have successfully integrated our ecosystem with Bluzelle’s Lovelace.

What this means is that Quadrant Protocol’s users can utilize Bluzelle’s Lovelace as a storage solution after stamping their data into Quadrant. In other words, producers now have a new and innovative storage solution to use that will still enable them to prove the authenticity of their data products.
It’s still early days for the integration, and we will be working hard to improve this integration and ensure optimal performance for our users. Both Quadrant Protocol and Bluzelle will continue to work closely together and deliver improvements and new features for our users.

To gain a clearer understanding on how our clients work together, please download our explainer deck: https://www.quadrantprotocol.com/BluzelleLovelace_QuadrantProtocol.pdf

We’d would also like to take this opportunity to remind our community that our TestNet is live, and that we are sourcing for more beta testers. Now, with this new Bluzelle integration, users will be getting a sneak preview of our improved protocol, and be among the first to test this out themselves.

The best way to reach out to us if you or your organization are interested in testing with us is to contact our Big Data Engineer Sharique Azam at sharique@quadrantprotocol.com. We are also active on Telegram, so please feel free to reach out to our team anytime.

And finally, Quadrant Protocol’s token sale is live. You can purchase your eQUAD tokens on our official website: quadrantprotocol.com



Nikos | Quadrant Protocol
Quadrant Protocol

Supporting data professionals and companies to build projects and grow organizations, utilizing blockchain technology with tools offered by Quadrant Protocol!