Quadrant Protocol Update — Token Unlocking Postponed, China Tour

Mike Davie | Quadrant Protocol
Quadrant Protocol
Published in
3 min readAug 15, 2018

Quadrant’s growing team hitting ground running with China expo, token lock-up extension, MainNet progress following token sale

At Quadrant, we always said our token sale would be a moment in the life of the company and, determined to fulfill that commitment, we are now full steam ahead driving our vision to map out the blueprint for decentralized data.


Next week, we visit China to showcase Quadrant to one of our major markets, strengthen relationships with partners and customers and deepen our community ties. We will form part of a special delegation with the Singapore government at the Smart China Expo in Chongqing. Centered on the theme “Smart Technology: Empowering Economy, Enriching Life”, Quadrant will participate in an exposition on August 22–24 that the organizers say will “feature cutting-edge technological achievements”. The event is a perfect opportunity to showcase the Quadrant platform, demonstrate our latest features and introduce enterprise use-cases for potential new customers and partners.


We are pressing forward despite the obvious bear market in crypto. We are laser-focused on developing our business, even as we acknowledge we cannot ignore the market dynamics altogether. To that end, we put our heads together, consulted major token-holders and determined the best thing for the business, and indeed for holders of eQUAD, was to delay unlocking the token. So, our plan to release the tokens on August 25, a month after the end of the token sale, has for now been put on hold.


But we continue to push hard with our technological progress. We were proud a few months ago to announce that our TestNet was live. We promised advances too on our MainNet. That work continues intensely so look out for news around the corner on Quadrant’s MainNet.


We know our community will have questions about the token unlocking decision and all of our ongoing activity, including our hiring for the expanded team. So we have scheduled another Ask-Me-Anything session where you can interact with me to learn about all of our current progress and future plans. The AMA will be at 1900 Hrs Singapore time Thursday August 16. We have been delighted by the community’s backing and engagement these many months and look forward to continuing the conversation to ensure robust communication with our supporters.

With new hires and new activity, it is easy to forget that the token sale finished less than three weeks ago. But we have no time to look back and our future looks full and bright.

We look forward to sharing the journey with you.

