Quadrant Protocol’s Mainnet Launch Approaches

Navas Khan
Quadrant Protocol
Published in
2 min readNov 5, 2018

For months, we have been building momentum up to Quadrant Protocol’s Mainnet launch and we cannot be more excited that the much-anticipated milestone is finally at hand. The launch will mark the successful conclusion of a long road of technical, business, and professional growth for our company and opens a thrilling new chapter.

We are hard at work preparing all the last-minute execution details and will soon be ready to reveal the exact timing of what is a landmark achievement on our development roadmap. It cannot be overstated — the Mainnet launch represents an inflexion point in our growth from a pre-token sale startup with a relatively small, albeit agile, team to a working, growing business fully engaged in mapping and verifying the expanding data universe.

In the few months since our token sale, we have made great strides in distinct areas. On the business side, we have been busy building new partnerships. Technically, too, Quadrant continues to deliver on its development goals, with our team continually enhancing our data mapping and authentication technology and improving the stability and usability of our producer and consumer clients.

Our team is growing as well. In the past few weeks, we have onboard new employees, bringing the total size of our team to 11. These positions importantly include business development roles as we look to continue our growth in the market.

The launch of the Mainnet will, therefore, take place with a strong team and product that has been consistently improved. We continue to ensure that the strongest possible foundation exists for the Mainnet launch. Now, we are ready to move forward into the next stage of growth and expansion.

We know that many of you have been waiting eagerly for the launch, and we deeply appreciate your support. With the Mainnet, Quadrant Protocol will become one of the very few blockchain businesses to have reached this milestone. We are excited that in the coming weeks we will be sharing more details with you. Please reach out through our Telegram or by email to nikos@quadrantprotocol.com. We will be happy to have a discussion.

From all of us at Quadrant Protocol, thank you for being part of our community. We are excited to continue building together.

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Navas Khan
Quadrant Protocol

Strategic Advisor at Quadrant. I read about data, mostly.