The Power Of Quadrant

Mike Davie | Quadrant Protocol
Quadrant Protocol
Published in
3 min readMar 20, 2018

Our work at DataStreamX and the DSX Network has revolved around ensuring the transparency, trustworthiness, and fluidity of the data transactions made through our platform. By working with thousands of data buyers and sellers, as well as processing billions of data records monthly, we see what works and what does not when it comes to companies that transact and access data. In addition, it has enabled us to identify what works for data marketplaces and what does not.

As we develop the protocol to power our next generation platform, we realized we were working on something much bigger than DataStreamX and the DSX Network. It is more than just a data marketplace for the buying and selling of data. With this in mind, we will be breaking out our protocol from the DataStreamX brand so that it will live larger than a single transaction platform. The protocol Quadrant will power DataStreamX, along with millions of other data transacting parties. We envision that the Quadrant protocol will become the standard for the way decentralized data is used and that it will revolutionize the data economy. Here’s how it can become the next game changer in the industry:

Quadrant establishes trust through mapping data authenticity and provenance

What makes Quadrant so powerful is the simplicity at its core. It first establishes trust in the delivered data and between the transacting parties before it starts to map disparate sources of data.

With the power of blockchain technology, Quadrant creates a method of authenticity and provenance through data stamping, making data verification possible. Quadrant works to prevent the ecosystem from falling into the same traps that it has in the past, where bad actors flourished due to the industry’s non-transparent nature.

Quadrant establishes a mapping system between disparate data sources

The data space is like the galaxy with its unmapped stars. There are vast amounts of disparate data available in the data space. However, with Quadrant, organizations (dubbed as Pioneers) will be able to map external data sources and create new data products called constellations via data smart contracts. In turn, these smart contracts or constellations enable contributing entities to be rewarded and for other entities to subscribe to these feeds and gain access to hundreds, thousands, or even millions of individual sources.

Quadrant enables the fusion of data products

Quadrant will also enable the mapped data products to be repurposed by who we dub as Elons. Elons refer to the companies or individuals who are innovators and who build new and powerful data products from existing data sources. They are the visionaries who can see the endless possibilities on what can be created from data. As with our analogy of the data space being like the galaxy with its unmapped stars, Quadrant will enable Elons to plan with (data) constellation maps and build mega constellations of data. In other terms, Quadrant will enable Elons to create new and innovative use cases for data.


With the Quadrant protocol, we are able to use what we know about transacting data to enable everyone to participate in the creation of new data products and solutions. Built on blockchain technology, Quadrant will enable a new world that the data economy hasn’t been able to achieve in the past. Like outer space, the data economy is unmapped and chaotic, but Quadrant provides the blueprint for decentralized data

Learn more about Quadrant by following the project’s progress in our Telegram group:

