Updated 2020 Roadmap: Transcript of AMA with Quadrant CEO Mike Davie

Nikos | Quadrant Protocol
Quadrant Protocol
Published in
3 min readSep 7, 2020

In case you missed Quadrant’s live AMA in our main telegram channel on September 1st, here is the full transcript. Mike discussed the updated roadmap, eQUAD token use cases, and presented the newly revealed roadmap {and much more}.

The AMA has been really active, with numerous Quadrant community members expressing their enthusiasm about our updated roadmap.

You can check the 2020 roadmap here:

Mike has welcomed the community with a short video message:

Mike later has referred to Project Kimotsuki, which refers to the town that is home to the Japanese Uchinoura Space Center. The project combines our shared knowledge the last 2 years working with enterprise smart contracts, adjusting new enterprise models on blockchain. The project is expected to be released within a period of 3–4 weeks.

The project will impact our token usage, by introducing platform licensing fees, which is translated to revenue coming from data smart contracts.

Project: Cape Canaveral

One ultimate goal of Quadrant Protocol is to provide transparency in the data supply chain. With consent becoming an increasingly important factor in data utilization, we are rising to meet the needs of our partners, especially in the location and mobile data industry. Our solution provides our partners with easy-to-use tools to manage consent and stay compliant with regulations, standards, and codes of ethics. The eQUAD token is integrated into our consent management platform and will be used for various crucial functions, including the facilitation of millions of transactions to track consent. More information on the status of the project will be available in the fourth quarter of 2020.

The project is expected to contribute with millions of consent agreements on our chain.

Project: Baikonur

A project that invites our community to help us build a database, and get actively involved!

Earn income by providing us data, paid with $eQUAD

At Quadrant we require data to help enterprises map and analyze our physical world, and Project: Baikonur is underway to enable our community to earn eQUAD while providing data into our network. In the form of a mobile app, it will provide users with the ability to become more engaged with Quadrant Protocol; staking their eQUAD tokens, receiving micropayments for data contributions and validating data in the network. More information about the app will be available in the fourth quarter of 2020.

Participants will be able to earn $eQuad by validating data, and staking!

Project: Wenchang — in partnership with TOP5 technology company!

This project is the manifestation of our capabilities at Quadrant. In partnership with one of the world’s top 5 technology companies, we are building upgrades to our platform to meet the needs of the world’s Fortune 500, governments and NGOs. We will enable next-generation location analysis and provide our partners with unprecedented access and insights into location data all while streamlining their operations. We are excited to provide more information about the Quadrant platform in the first quarter of 2021.

We want to give you every opportunity to stay involved. Please continue sending your questions and suggestions and check our official channels in Telegram | Twitter | Facebook |Reddit and sign-up for our newsletter at www.quadrantprotocol.com for regular updates.



Nikos | Quadrant Protocol
Quadrant Protocol

Supporting data professionals and companies to build projects and grow organizations, utilizing blockchain technology with tools offered by Quadrant Protocol!