Gaea 1.0 is officially released!

Gaea 1.0 is now available to everyone and includes the free Community Edition.

Dax Pandhi
2 min readFeb 25, 2019


After years in incubation and almost an entire year in Early Access, Gaea is finally available to everyone!

The adventure is just beginning. In this post, we want to share with you our vision going forward.

Gaea for everyone!

Gaea 1.0 is now fully released across all editions: Community, Indie, Professional, and Enterprise.

Download your copy here or compare the different editions.

We will provide monthly, or sometimes more frequent, stability and feature upgrades. We will also release new features regularly as outlined on our roadmap. As Gaea is proudly perpetual, all such updates will be free.

New Community Forums

We are also happy to announce our new Community Forums — a dedicated place for all Gaea and GeoGlyph users to interact, learn, share knowledge and artwork, request features, report issues, and more.

The Gaea Facebook Group remains active for those who prefer Facebook.

Documentation + Tutorials

A work-in-progress version of the documentation is available at

A major documentation update is planned for March.

In addition to the documentation, several tutorials will be published covering all levels of expertise.

You can find official tutorials listed here, and community contributed tutorials in this topic.

The Future

After our team takes a short break, we will be back with plenty of exciting new things to share with you!

Stay tuned to this blog!



Dax Pandhi

QuadSpinner co-founder, creator of Gaea and GeoGlyph, Programmer, UX wonk, VFX artist, trainer, with 20 years in the industry. For more: