The QuadSpinner Open Source Initiative

We are committed to contributing to the CG community by creating multiple open source initiatives to help foster greater collaboration and education.

QuadSpinner Team
3 min readNov 13, 2018


Volcan Arenal, Costa Rica. QuadSpinner’s birthplace.

QuadSpinner was born from the CG community. There were no business plans or giant meetings with roadmaps and financing.

Two friends sat in a remote hotel in Costa Rica, by a very active volcano, and figured out how they could do something within the Vue community. This was the beginning of QuadSpinner.

A decade later, QuadSpinner is now responsible for terrain design applications and plugins deployed at AAA film and game studios across 90 countries, and has contributed to blockbuster films, ad campaigns, and top selling video games.

We remain a small and agile team, and have not forgotten our roots, nor the community where it all started.

2018 marks the 10th anniversary of QuadSpinner!

On our 10 year anniversary, we are very pleased to announce the QuadSpinner Open Source Initiative.

Over the next several years, we will be undertaking various open source projects aimed at helping the CG community at large, and creating new educational resources for environment artists.

Vue Legacy

To begin, as a thank you to all the members of the Vue community who helped us get started, we are open sourcing our entire Vue portfolio!

The first image we contributed to Vue, and subsequently was used as the official “hero” image for Vue 7.

This includes unlocked premium materials, MetaNodes, functions, and even materials from our private in-house production library used on major properties such as Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, and more.

Vue artists can dissect unlocked materials such as Rock X, both MDKs, and more to find out how the results were achieved.

The assets are organized in a repository on GitHub, the world’s leading open source platform, and released under the very permissible Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

This license allows full commercial use.

Link: Vue Legacy Repository on GitHub

Realism in Vue

We are also open sourcing Dax’s bestselling book Realism in Vue under the MIT License. The entire book can be read online or downloaded in a DRM-free PDF format.

Link: Realism in Vue Repository on GitHub

Where to Download

Our open source initiative can be found at the QuadSpinner GitHub.

Additionally, our training videos, including the Master Class, will be published on our YouTube channel. We have published several videos already, and will be releasing more over the next few weeks.

This is just the beginning…

Stay tuned for more.

