Get Involved In Hoboken Politics in 3 Easy Steps

Getting involved in local politics is easier than you might think. With this checklist, you’ll have a plan to get started.

Brendan Probst
Quae App
3 min readMar 31, 2021


Step 1- Prep

Know your reps:

Doing research will give you the tools and confidence to navigate politics. Know your representatives’ names and learn their stances and goals. Check out these resources for Hoboken’s Elected Officials and departments:

Get Registered:

You can get registered to vote here (this takes 2 minutes), or check on the status of your registration here (this takes 30 seconds).

Step 2- Execute

It’s time to put that prep into action. You don’t have to move mountains, just aim to accomplish at least one of the following. (Or as many as you want — the sky’s the limit!)

Stay Informed:

Create a system where the information comes to you. A little work now will mean you’ll never have to look again. Bookmark or follow local news sources so they’ll always be just a click away.

Blogs help you stay informed about local events and learn more about your city. The Hoboken Girl is an amazing resource for all things Hoboken. (Want to read more? Check out more Hoboken blogs here).

Local news sources are another easy way to stay up to date on topics related to your city. Publications, such as TAPinto, are great resources to check out.

Online Groups:

Social media is a powerful tool people in your city are already using to participate in politics. If you’re on Twitter, follow the Hoboken Patch account as well as the City of Hoboken. If you use Facebook, join the Hoboken Facebook Group, or follow the city. You can also follow your representatives on Twitter, Facebook, etc. to get information directly from them.

Town Hall Meetings:

This is where you have a direct line to your city council. After it discusses its agenda (another way to stay informed) citizens will have an opportunity to ask questions or raise concerns. Mark the next one on your calendar.

Citizen Advisory Boards:

If you feel that you represent a unique perspective in your city, joining a citizen advisory board is the most powerful way to contribute. These groups help city governments make decisions. Your input will directly influence your city — join one today.

Get Others Involved:

The best thing you can do to help improve your relationship with local politics is to get others to join you. Ask your friends if they’re planning on getting involved. If they are, (great!) you can do it together. If they’re not, help them get started. Democracy only works when everyone participates.

Vote (This one is not optional):

Voting is the most important thing you can do to make your community better. Keep your eye out for Hoboken’s election is this year. The primaries are on June 8th (the voter registration deadline is May 18th) and the general election is November 3rd. You can find more information on how to cast your ballot here.

Step 3- Keep Momentum

Now that you’re involved, the hardest part becomes staying involved. Being politically engaged is like a habit, you need to work at it until it sticks. Here are a few things you can do to make sure that happens:

Create Relationships:

Joining politics will put you into contact with new people in your city. Talk to people — having friends participating alongside you will keep you motivated. In today’s weirdly isolated world, we could all use a new friend.

Have a goal:

Think about why you want to get involved in the first place, brand yourself with a mission. As you work on this mission, take notice of the changes around you. Your involvement in your community has changed it for the better.

Local politics is on the rise and it’s the place where your voice matters the most. We would all like to see our cities run better, have our politicians be more engaged, and our neighborhoods happier. Collectively we have the power to achieve this, will you do your part?



Brendan Probst
Quae App

Student at Steven’s Institute of Technology, Co-Founder of Quae