Why Representation in the Workplace is so Important

Sam Schmitt
Quae App
Published in
3 min readMay 20, 2021
Photo by Hunters Race on Unsplash

In every area of your life, you are subjected to decisions by people above you. Often those in charge fail to make the decisions that best serve the “little guy”. For most, their place of employment is where this problem is most pervasive.

Abuse of Power

Whether you have one boss, or a line of superiors, some of these individuals can be kind and generous with their power, while others can be manipulative and cruel. As a result of poor leadership, more than half of all Americans have faced some kind of workplace abuse from coworkers or overheads.

This has led to a long struggle between the worker and their overseers. Good bosses want to understand their workers’ problems and help to meet them halfway. While bad bosses don’t care what the workers’ problems are and would rather replace them. Bad bosses are what led to unions.

Labor Unions

The current standard for workplace representation is a union. Unions are independent from the company. Their goal is to protect the rights of the employees, and push for improvements in worker’s conditions.. These organizations began to be formed in the late 1800s and their goal was to lower the amount of time in the workday to eight hours (which is still the average workday today). Unions have evolved to care for all worker’s needs, whether that be insurance, human resources, or severance compensation.

What’s interesting about a union is that it is reliant on the workers getting it started. Companies fear their employees unionizing, and this fear alone may motivate the company to meet the employees requirements. In some cases, corporations actually compete with each other to offer their employees the best benefits. However, this is still not the company listening to their employees, rather assuming what their employees want.

Future Representation

Today workers are at the mercy of their company, and unions are becoming more and more corrupt. This type of representation doesn’t seem to be as effective as it used to be and many employees are wondering what may be next. Worker’s rights advocates have turned to politics for inspiration. Voting for workers rights is the only effective way to impact your workplace; (whether that be raising your wage, or having higher standards for insurance).

Politicians are entangling themselves even further into the way corporations represent their employees. It is now a politician’s job to defend the working people from their abusive bosses. We’ve often heard of the forgotten middle-class and what different candidates hope to do for them. What is 100% guaranteed by these future elections, is that your vote may have a huge impact on the future of employee representation.


Quae is on a mission to give people the power to vote every day. Amplify your voice and take action in your community. Coming to Hoboken, NJ.

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Sam Schmitt
Quae App

Entrepreneur & Software Developer focused on the intersection of technology and mental-wellbeing.