X4LIME — Lime production experience 4.0

ABACO: Advanced Burning Analysis and Combustion Optimization

TESTO and QUALICAL co-developed an industrial grade system to control combustion and flue gas in lime kilns

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3 min readJun 3, 2020


The importance of analyzing flue gas in lime kilns highlighted the need to develop an industrial grade system able to satisfy the requirements of strength, reliability and accuracy under actual operating conditions.

Testo SE & Co. KGaA and Qualical combined their skills to realize a system that mainly consists of an integrated flue gas analyzer in an ABACO BOX & App. The latter is a tailor-made box and digital solution that is able to semi-continuously manage the measurements performed in the exhaust gas.

The challenge

Since lime production is an energy-intensive process, it shall be monitored in terms of exhaust gas, and optimized in terms of efficiency.

QualiCal has adopted iDO industrial digital operator based on MOSAICO workforce by @Digita. iDO is equipped by number of skill, such as ABACO (Advanced Burning Analysis and Combustion Optimization), which serves to collect, monitor, and analyze combustion efficiency with the aim to provide an indicator for its optimization.

One critical component of the monitoring system is the flue gas analyzer which, besides being sharp and able to analyze various parameters (O2, CO, NO, NO2, SO2), shall also be reliable and sturdy in order to be used outdoor and for continuous measurements.

TESTO solution

Through the cooperation between the two international companies Qualical and Testo, it was possible to develop the ABACO Box, which includes the flue gas analyzer for industrial applications Testo 350.

The Testo 350 portable measuring instrument consists of three main components: control unit, analyzer box and sampling probe.

With the removable control unit, measurements can be programmed and displayed. The measured values are clearly shown on the color graphic display, so that the measured parameters and their trend can be checked at any time.

iDO Digital Operator through its delivery competences transfers data & analytics to the right user, at the right time in the right plance

In addition to basic O2 e CO measurements, the analyzer box can be configured to measure NOx (NO + NO2) and SO2, as well as CO2 with NDIR technology, in order to verify the quality of the process in all respects. The instrument is equipped with the Peltier cell gas conditioning module so that the concentration values can be referred to the dry gas and be compliant with an official measurement.

QualiCal for sustainability

To ensure sustainable economic growth, we all have to take action.

QualiCal is committed to improve progressively, through 2030, global resource efficiency in consumption and production.




The lime industrial company. That’s also a digital company.