Celebrating the QualiCal Synthesis lime Kiln at Super Cement Manufacturing Co.

Navigating a Decade of Innovation and Excellence

Published in
3 min readFeb 6, 2024


As we turn the pages of a compelling narrative that spans nearly a decade, QualiCal is proud to spotlight a remarkable milestone in our journey — the unparalleled success story of the Synthesis kiln at Super Cement Manufacturing Co. LLC (SCMC). It’s a tale that not only underscores our technical prowess and innovation but also reaffirms our commitment to fostering enduring partnerships.

The Pinnacle of Production

The narrative of the Synthesis kiln at SCMC is one of ambition, precision, and foresight. Yallana Gouda R, representing the Lime Plant at SCMC, encapsulates this journey eloquently,

“As we started the Kiln in 2014 and successfully operated, we’ve completed almost 10 years of operation with the highest production in 2023 with max rated capacity.”

This testimonial isn’t merely a statement; it’s a testament to the relentless pursuit of excellence and the harmonious synergy between SCMC and QualiCal.

A Testament to Enduring Partnership

The Synthesis kiln’s journey is not just about the technological marvel it represents; it’s about the collaborative spirit that has been the cornerstone of the partnership between SCMC and QualiCal.

The recent refractory replacement signifies more than maintenance; it symbolizes a rejuvenation of commitment, ensuring that the kiln continues to operate at its zenith, reflecting our mutual dedication to quality and performance.

QualiCal continued coordination and support is a responsibility we embrace with utmost seriousness. It reinforces our resolve to not just maintain but elevate the standards of service and technological excellence we’re known for.

In Conclusion

The story of the Synthesis kiln at SCMC is more than a business case; it’s a beacon of what can be achieved when innovation meets determination. As QualiCal continues to pioneer and pave the way for future advancements, we do so with the confidence and pride that partnerships like the one we share with SCMC are the real catalysts for change and progress.

“This would not have been possible without the support of the entire SCMC team and also the exceptional support and guidance of Carlo Cella Arun Barad and the entire Qualical team. An additional milestone that was achieved was the 10 years of refractory life. We are equally proud of our partnership with QualiCal International. We are also setting up targets to hopefully break our own records and achieve greater heights!” — Hitesh Aggarwall SCMC

For inquiries and more information about QualiCal’s solutions and services, please contact info@qualical.com

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The lime industrial company. That’s also a digital company.