QualiCal Team attending Quarterly Meeting March 2020

QualiCal Quarterly meeting March 2020

Just around the corner

Frame Corporate purpose at the time of the COVID-19

Published in
2 min readApr 6, 2020


What should a company’s purpose be when the purpose of so many, right now, is survival?

Just around the corner

In Italy, and in particular in our home town of Bergamo, we are living one of the most sad pages of our lives.

That’s why, the Quarterly meeting 2020 held in videconference last week, has been dedicated to honor the many victims of this human tragedy, recognizing and appreciating them and the legacy they have left us.

They have given us the opportunity to see and try a different way: a world that for most of its existence has always been like this, a world where there is silence and not noise, where the Sapiens is minimal and not dominating!

Even the sole privilege of listening to silence is a wonderful thing!

We still don’t know how long this will last, we hope obviously it will be short, as shortest as possible, but above all — also in QualiCal — we would like to look forward … just around the corner!

Because we are convinced that what is happening it’s not just a parenthesis, but is a point of turn where nobody shall come back to the same noise, the same life, living the same stress, producing the same pollution.

Suspended Time

We are lucky to be here, alive, in a suspended time, between our past and the imagination of our future.

We believe that all the Died people should push us to build a new set of models of life, development, growth, and business as well, that shall be complementary and compatible.

Because re-build everything and only on a single perspective of the perpetual economic development, is clearly dangerous and fragile, and even myopic!

Let us hope that behind the wave of tears and blood of this contingency remain the blossoms of these practices. Seeds of a world that is clearly possible and more sustainable.

Carlo CellaQualiCal CEO / March 2020




The lime industrial company. That’s also a digital company.