Building a Decentralized Lime Production Grid with QualiCal’s NANO and QBO: Shaping a Sustainable Industrial Future

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2 min readMay 27, 2021


The industrial world is in the midst of transformative change, with decentralized production and storage of raw materials like lime emerging as a key trend. In this evolving landscape, QualiCal’s innovative solutions, including the NANO lime kiln and the QBO heat generator, are leading the way.

Decentralized Lime Production Grid

QualiCal’s NANO and QBO systems are more than individual units; they are essential components of a larger, decentralized lime production grid. This grid represents a groundbreaking shift in how lime is produced and distributed, moving away from centralized, large-scale operations to a network of smaller, localized production units. Through the advanced application of IIoT solutions, even micro-lime kilns can contribute to this grid, ensuring a steady, reliable supply of lime.

At the heart of this innovative approach is the QBO heat generator. This flame-free solution uses the exothermic hydration process to produce heat, turning what was once considered waste into valuable energy and supporting the principles of the circular economy. Alongside the NANO kiln, these technologies offer a comprehensive and efficient solution for lime production and storage.

IIoT solutions are crucial in uniting these geographically dispersed NANO and QBO units into a cohesive, functional grid. They ensure a consistent and constant flow of lime into the grid while also enabling effective predictive maintenance and monitoring systems for the network of lime storage units.

The benefits of this decentralized lime production grid, facilitated by QualiCal’s IIoT technologies, are manifold. For industrial manufacturers, cleaner lime production means better compliance with stringent government emissions regulations. Retrofitting machinery and processes with QualiCal’s solutions can identify areas where lime is wasted, thereby optimizing conservation efforts.

Furthermore, the user-friendly monitoring, maintenance, and monetization systems integrated into the NANO and QBO units make it an attractive proposition for manufacturers to become part of this transformative network

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The lime industrial company. That’s also a digital company.