QualiCal for a sustainable development — THINK GLOBALLY ACT LOCALLY

NANO-lime distributed production technologies

NANO technologies for a daily sustainable production experience.

Published in
3 min readMar 5, 2021


The way we produce #lime is changing. But the fourth industrial revolution is not just about how new lime production technologies, such as the use of alternative fuels or CO2 capture, will benefit businesses and consumers. It is also about how the lime industry can lead to a cleaner, more sustainable world.

It is foolish to deny that the planet is rapidly approaching the day when the consequences of climate change will be inevitable. The question now facing many business leaders is whether — and how — we can produce lime while mitigating our impact on the natural world, while building value for our customers.” — Carlo Cella - QualiCal CEO


Since the industrial revolution the paradigm of industrial development has been based on the possibility to pay-back huge investments through the scale of economics and wide markets .

This economic model has been consequently possible only thanks the aggregation of huge capitals into the hands of bigger and bigger financial and industrial Corporates, capable to create few big and concentrated production hubs supported from a growing transportation system.

The utopia of a never ending economic growth is now clearly crashing against a world that is limited in spaces & resources: finding a sustainable development model is a must that can not be delayed any more.

NANO-lime technology for a sustainable daily production experience

Since the last two decades, the advent of the information technology revolution and the internet revolution, are changing the economical model.

In the actual global scenario the traditional production technologies are consolidated and, consequently, can now benefit of a world-wide lower cost and scale.

“Digital revolution is also allowing a world-wide access to low-cost information technology: virtualization and the exchange of information become more effective, fast and easy than the exchange of physical goods through traditional transport system.”

Renewable energy costs are continuing to fall. In most cases, it’s now cheaper to use renewables than fossil fuels. This chart shows the decrease in costs of solar and wind power technologies.

This two elements could allow to move forward to the development of a grids of interconnected small production facilities capable to create, guarantee and spread an effective and more sustainable distributed nano production network also in the lime industry.

“We are calling this micro production facilities NANO-lime technology for a sustainable production experience.” — Carlo Cella QualiCal CEO

A pool of local production facilities, that are re-creating regional economies where, offer & demand are interconnected through the power of information technologies.


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The lime industrial company. That’s also a digital company.