Towards a Carbon-Negative Future: QualiCal’s 2050 Vision

QualiCal at the Forefront: Merging EULA Report Insights with ILA2023 Outcomes

Drawing from the European Lime Association’s roadmap and the key takeaways of the International Lime Association Conference 2023, QualiCal charts a path to sustainability and negative CO2 emissions by 2050.”

Published in
5 min readOct 17, 2023


The European Lime Association (EULA) recently released a comprehensive report outlining the roadmap for the lime industry to achieve negative CO2 emissions by 2050. This document provides valuable insights into the strategies and technologies that will shape the future of lime production.

At QualiCal, innovation has been the cornerstone of our journey. The insights from the EULA report, combined with the key themes discussed at International Lime Association 2023, not only align with our ethos but also reinforce our unwavering commitment to shaping a sustainable future for the lime industry. Our vision is not just about adapting to industry standards, but about setting them.

Both the EULA findings and the discussions at ILA 2023 provide a comprehensive roadmap that resonates with our aspirations and goals for the industry’s future.

Carbon Capture, Storage (CCS) and Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS)

The Future is Carbon Neutral

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) involves capturing CO2 emissions at their source and storing them underground, preventing them from entering the atmosphere. On the other hand, Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) goes a step further by recycling the captured CO2 for further use, such as in building materials.

At QualiCal, we recognize the potential of these technologies in drastically reducing the carbon footprint of lime production. Our NANO technology is designed to efficiently produce CO2 emitted during lime production, making it suitable for the most effective CCS technologies.

NEUTRO module

Furthermore, our NEUTRO module is designed collect and remove CO2 working in tandem with the NANO quicklime reactor, showcasing our commitment to both CCS and CCUS.

Kiln Shift/Upgrade

Modernizing Lime Production

The EULA report emphasizes the potential of shifting to more energy-efficient vertical ones. Vertical lime kilns, such as the PFRK, are not only energy-efficient but also operate close to the thermodynamic minimum energy use.

#neverstopINNOVATING R&D QualiCal’s vision aligns with this shift. We believe in leveraging the latest technologies to enhance energy efficiency in lime production.

Look at QualiCal Synthesis state of the art tecnological and technical proposals

Energy Efficiency

Energy saving

QualiCal Waste Gas Filter — working in postive pressure without tail fan — allows to reach the lower electrical energy consuption.

QualiCal provided Aerzen air compressor DELTA HYDRID technology, reaching maximum energy efficiency at Köhler Kalk new lime PFR kiln.

Energy Recovery

Cal.DO heat recovery project is a key milestone on the road to sustainable production, as it will contribute significantly to reduce energy-related emissions well before 2030.


The deployment of digital technologies, combined with our innovative approach, can reduce degraded kiln modes, kiln stops, and out-of-spec production, leading to a more sustainable and efficient production process.

3. Fuel Switch

Embracing Alternative Fuels for a Greener Tomorrow

The lime industry’s reliance on traditional fuels contributes significantly to its carbon emissions. The EULA report suggests a switch to alternative fuels as a viable solution to this challenge.

At QualiCal, we’re already ahead of the curve.

Bio-mass for PFR lime kiln

For one-third of all emissions that originate from energy production, the lime industry can apply usual abatement measures like fuel switch and energy efficiency. One option to reduce emissions from energy production is the switch to fuels with reduced carbon intensity, such as biomass.

SOLAR calcination for NANO reactor

Leveraging the abundant and renewable sun power, NANO is trailblazing the way towards a sustainable future for the lime industry.

ALTRO H2 generator

Our ALTRO module technology is a replicable H2 generator that works in combination with the NANO quicklime reactor. By producing H2 on-site, we eliminate the need for an H2 distribution network. Furthermore, the possibility of integrating site-specific wind turbines or solar panels ensures that the necessary energy for H2 generation comes from green, renewable sources.


In conclusion, the EULA report provides a clear roadmap for the lime industry’s sustainable future.

“At QualiCal, we’re not just observers but active participants in this journey. By aligning our innovations with the insights from the report, we’re committed to leading the charge towards a greener, more sustainable lime industry. Join us in our mission to shape a carbon-neutral future.” — Carlo Cella QualiCal CEO

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The lime industrial company. That’s also a digital company.