QualiCal vision 2050

toward ZERO Carbon LIME by industrial CCSU and natural carbon offset

Published in
4 min readSep 15, 2022


Lime production is carbon intensive. No doubt about that.

The Lime sector challenges: identify the necessary steps to tackle decarbonization of the lime sector.

What can we do to reduce the emissions? What can the lime industry then do about this CO2? How can we reduce the emissions?

“The efforts of the industry are considered not to be enough. We are asked to raise the bar of innovation and further contribute to the energy transition pathway.”

There are things that can be done and the methods can be split into four different categories. These four paths to lower emissions are: Improved energy efficiency, Energy sources with lower carbon intensity, Carbon Capture and Storage/Utilization and alternative end products

Carbon Capture, Storage and Utilisation

“QualiCal — as technological provider — is committed to keep its industry leadership in sustainable lime production in accordance with its mission to contribute to a decarbonized world by providing sector wised disruptive solutions.” — Carlo Cella QualiCal CEO

There is no one-size-fits-all CCUS technology solution. Despite its long history and relative maturity, the application of CCUS still involves uncertainties associated with emerging technologies. We will need a mix of technologies to meet industry needs and economics over the next decade.

At the present stage there isn’t any industrial CCSU technology available in the scale required for the order of magnitude of the lime production needs; a network to collect and distribute the CO2 from the emission plants/points to the storage facilities will be ready in decades; is far to be clear where and how to storage such quantities of CO2 and how could be useful application.

NANO, CENTRO and ALTRO: next generation lime production

“The only way you can scale up carbon capture between now and 2030 is if it’s modular and mass produced. Bespoke installation will never get where you want to be.” — Francesco Cella — QualiCal CTO

Within the actual scenario QualiCal is proposing to change the perspective of the lime production business model, moving from a traditional centralized lime production to a customized, flexible and decentralized lime production on demand in order to produce only the required quantities where are needed, allowing local CCS with existing small scale technologies as well as using alternative fuels — such as H2 — produced locally with green renewable energies.

NANO is QualiCal proposed technology to efficiently produce CO2 emitted in lime production, suitable for most effective Carbon Capture & Storage (CSS) technologies. These emissions are unavoidable regardless of the fuel type and can constitute up to 75% of CO2 emissions from a lime plant. The remainder comes from burning fuel.

NEUTRO is a small and replicable reactors that can remove carbon dioxide from lime industry in combination with QualiCal NANO quicklime reactor.

ALTRO is a small and replicable H2 generator that work in combination with QualiCal NANO quicklime reactor. H2 is produced at site without the needs to H2 distribution network. Site wind-turbine or solar-panel can be installed to provide the necessary energy to H2 generation.

Natural based Carbon Capture

Nature-based offsets use plants, trees, soil or the ocean to remove carbon from the atmosphere. There are other forms too, like community-based project offsets, but nature and energy offsets are two of the largest categories. Energy offsets have typically been the most popular.

Within the portfolio of carbon offset solution QualiCal is proposing effective and cheap natural solution capable to compensate each 100 tpd production with by means a RINA certified bamboo plantation of 135 Ha

Lime-sector commitment to climate action is gaining momentum, with companies increasingly adopting strategies aimed at reaching net-zero emissions and some pledging to invest in nature through the purchase of NCS-generated carbon credits (or “offsets”) as part of the effort.

© Published with ❤ by QualiCal 2022




The lime industrial company. That’s also a digital company.