QualiPOOL | LIME is coming together

QualiCal Synthesis_40 150tpd lime kiln at Köhler Kalk / Germany

Published in
5 min readApr 26, 2017


A powerful, deep and far-reaching transformation is underway in industry. It is fundamentally changing the way we design and manufacture products, and what these products can do. It is making the complex supply and distribution networks that tie the global economy together faster, more flexible, and more resilient. It is empowering human beings to unleash more broad-based and distributed creativity and entrepreneurship.

“QualiPOOL platform is the most powerful way to unleash the creativity and entrepreneurship of the distributed global talent pool, to give our customers the security of having a team to discuss internally the various problems that may arise during the execution of a project.”

Carlo Cella QualiCal CEO

“QualiPOOL is the perfect partner to realize huge projects like the erection of PFR lime kilns in the most effective way. The team of the QualiPOOL exists of high quality partners to get the best performance within the shortest time.
For me as a customer the possibility to have a team of specialists to discuss every upcoming topic was the essential feature”.

Christian Köhler — Köhler Kalk GmbH

“I think that this project represent a step ahead for the Qualical kiln technology: thanks to the closer cooperation between the QualiPOOL partners and the passion and open discussion demonstrated by Koehler family, every technological aspects and details have been properly developed for an overall improved lime production experience! Anyway, I don’t want to consider this project just a target, but a urge to further and continuously innovate along our journey!”

Francesco Cella QualiCal CTO

“Thanks to Norbert & Christian Köhler for the trust reserved to all of us in QualiCal Team, confirming the order for a new Synthesis_40 150tpd lime kiln.
We are excited & motivated to contribute to Köhler Kalk new lime experience, and proud to lead the market in Germany with this kiln#8: QualiCal … der Ofen!!!”

Vittorio Cella QualiCal Business & Development

“Nowadays teamwork is essential, and only the REAL teamwork leads to success. QualiPOOL well represents this concept: a set of partners working together to achieve great things.”

Fabio Finelli — QualiCal IT

“I’m proud to be involved in this project that gives me the chance to work in strictly contact with Mr. Christian Koehler and Mr. Dirk Stimpel; #neverstopINNOVATING has been the common start point for any discussion and improvement. Thanks to all for this challenging experience.”

Francesca Gerosa — QualiCal CAD CAE Department

“Technologies for Automation Systems and for Industry 4.0 are evolving and changing at the speed of light. QualiCal as Industrial Company with a strong attitude to the Digital World, requires its Partners to be on the edge of this revolution, contributing the Digitization of its plants in every phase, from the engineering to the commissioning and further with the post-commissioning support. QUALIPOOL, leveraging the ultimate digital technologies, merges in a single solution the abilities of different companies, resulting in incomparable advantages for the Customers. SYSWARE is supporting this Qualical Vision since a decade, growing together with Qualical and the other Partners .. absolutely BETTER TOGETHER.”

Davide Beretta Sysware CEO

“Köhler Kalk Kiln Project — Next challenge for QUALIPOOL — Successful mastered by QUALIPOOL! Presenting each client innovative and tailor-made solutions is always the ultimate target! We are very happy to be part of this team!”

Dirk Stimpel — Project Manager Hoffmeier Industrieanlagen GmbH & Co. KG

“The QualiPool team stands with its member of experts for excellent solutions and individual and optimized concepts of their Synthesis kilns and gives the clients the latest status and update for PfR lime kilns in Germany and around the world. We as a QualiPool member are proud of this cooperation and help with our knowledge and performance and make our contribution to bring their kilns worldwide successfully in operation”.

Harald Schwab — CEO Schwab GmbH

“QualiPool is for us an excellent combination of absolute specialists. This team
guarantees our customers the highest level of technical know-how and inovation. The projects can be handled without problems at the interfaces. We are proud
to be part of this team.”

August Buchberger — Managing Director Carbotechnik Energiesysteme GmbH

“Working on the QualiPOOL project has been amazing for Materialise. When Qualical team approached us illustrating the project we had some doubts it would have been feasible. We really worked hard in close cooperation with Qualical’s team to improve the design and find the perfect materials. In the end we are all very proud about the end result and about its performances!”

Alessio Esporti — MATERIALISE




The lime industrial company. That’s also a digital company.