
Synthesis lime kiln Updated with CARBOTECHNIK BioMass Dosing Unit

Thanks to the fruitfully technical long term co-operation within the framework of QualiPOOL, CARBOTECHNIK and QualiCal upgarded QualiCal Synthesis PFR_Parallel Flow Regenerative Kilns with brand new BioMass Firing System

Published in
4 min readMay 3, 2021



“The lime industry is both energy and carbon intensive. However, unlike most carbon intensive industries, the majority of lime emissions are not generated by heat or power generation but by the chemical reaction that occurs when limestone is heated (Limestone + Energy = lime + CO2, or CaCo3 + energy =CaO + CO2). This makes our carbon profile unique.” — EULA.eu

Figure 1: Possible development of the carbon intensities of lime production for 2030 and 2050, compared to 2010. Direct emissions only, which form about 98% of total emissions. The scope of these emissions is from factory gate to factory gate. Green bars reflect process emissions, blue bars reflect fuel emissions and the striped blue block indicates energy efficiency abatement. The orange bar reflects the — unknown — effect of natural carbonation. The arrows (apart from the arrows in the carbonation part) indicate the technical potential of emission reduction options

For one-third of all emissions that originate from energy production, the lime industry can apply ‘usual’ abatement measures like fuel switch and energy efficiency. One option to reduce emissions from energy production is the switch to fuels with reduced carbon intensity, such as natural gas or biomass. Switching to gas may have a positive impact on the quality of the produced lime, but is in many cases more expensive than solid fossil fuels-based production. Switching to biomass requires additional investments, especially when switching from natural gas. As is shown in Figure 1 the impact of complete fuel switches to gas or biomass only applies to the energy generation related emissions, not to the process emissions.

QualiCal and Carbotechnik

Carbotechnik as specialist in dosing and combustion of solid fuels gives the best know-how to all different types of lime kilns, e.g. the very efficient Synthesis PFR kilns of QualiCal, in order to guarantee the best performance of the kiln and therefore best quality of the quicklime.

Carbotechnik dosing systems for fluidizing, dosing and pneumatic conveying

The Carbotechnik dosing system is designed for the continuous dosing and conveying of pulverized fuels and bulk materials, such as coal dust, limestone dust, wood dust, kaolin dust, bio dusts and other pulverized materials in combustion and processing systems. The amount of dust to be delivered is continuously adjustable to a very high level of precision and is conveyed pneumatically by a carrying air flow.

The technology, pressure shock resistance without risk of explosion, makes it possible to deliver an uniform, constant supply of special fuels in compliance with the most current safety and firing technology requirements, and to generate a low-pulsation combustion process.

Updated dosing system for alternative fuels to reach Carbon Neutrality target

The traditional dosing unit, mainly developed for dosing fine products < 0.5 mm, has been revised and updated in order to be used with alternative fuel — as wood dust , animal meal, Sub-coal, biofuel— and other CO2 neutral fuels, may have a rough grain size > 0.5 mm.

Thanks to the new features, as the improved agitator and dosing disks, this dosing machine is capable,

New agitator design
  • to manage alternative fuels, as wood dust, with relatively rough structure, long fibers, poorly fluidizable and that tends to form bridges inside the dosing tank.
  • to assure always a good mixture inside the dosing tank.
New dosing disk
  • of continuous and highly accurate dosing avoiding CO-peaks.
  • to allow uniform and pulsation-free dosing.
  • to allow a wide range of dosing quantities.
  • independent delivery rates with several conveyor lines possible.
  • of dosing rate infinitely adjustable.
  • to convey capacities up to 5 t/h (wood dust).

QualiCal for sustainable development in lime industry

Renewable energy solutions are becoming cheaper, more reliable and more efficient every day. Our current reliance on fossil fuels is unsustainable and harmful to the planet, which is why we have to change the way we produce and consume energy. Implementing these new energy solutions as fast as possible is essential to counter climate change, one of the biggest threats to our own survival.

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The lime industrial company. That’s also a digital company.